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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Paul Watson being subbed off is unusual, is he injured?
  2. British culture really is a big fucking hideous caricature of itself.
  3. Reading a book with a title like “The Art of not Giving a f**k”
  4. He should have just claimed he thought he was on Omegle.
  5. I was 100% certain this was going to be about either Salford, Hashtag United, Gretna or Airdrie.
  6. He hasn’t offered much from what I’ve seen. The promising thing is he has got himself into good positions but has either missed the chance or was offside. I said after the Falkirk game that it looked like he needed a bit more time to get in sync with the rest of the team (as everyone does tbf). Reading the pass or timing the run better is a small thing to improve on and could make a big difference to his game.
  7. I don’t mind any celebration, as long as they don’t dance.
  8. That’s the difference between ourselves and Falkirk. We can naturally beat a top flight team 3-0 whereas they have to prey on the serious illness and perhaps DEATH of others to do so. Disgraceful club.
  9. Murray with his 3rd of the campaign.
  10. It’s not quite coming off yet but Hearts will have some Championship teams in knots with their use of third man runs and one-touch give-and-go.
  11. Giving away a free kick, conceding a penalty and getting booked within the first minute of a game is incredible work. Fair play Kyle Benedictus.
  12. I liked the stadium announcer giving it the “let’s get right behind the team.. COME ON YE PAAAAARS” in a behind-closed-doors match last night.
  13. How can Annan pump Accies, to then struggle against Stranraer while Accies are comfortably beating Ayr? Make it make sense.
  14. If, and that’s a big ‘if’, Killie are allowed to play their remaining games, there’s a possibility of having 3 teams on 9 points by the end. Presuming the favourites win in all games between/involving Falkirk, Dunfermline and Killie (which, I know, is far from a given), all finish with 9 points.
  15. I liked the way Wilson was just able to slow the game down at the right times when Falkirk had a glimpse of picking up the pace a bit. It’ll be interesting to see if he can have the opposite effect when we’re chasing the game. I actually thought we looked slightly off in the first half. Nothing major, just that passes weren’t right into feet and there were some heavy touches etc, which is absolutely fine considering the lack of football and the pitch was quite greasy looking.. looked like the ball was moving very quickly. We sorted that out quickly though and we looked far sharper in the second half, we had some neat play in tight areas. Agree that O’Hara lacked a bit of the sharpness that the rest of the squad seemed to have. Saying that, he was marginally offside a few times in promising positions, so if he can hold the line a wee bit longer then he’ll get himself in one-on-one situations. The promising thing was that he and McManus had simple but clear roles, McManus holds the ball up and O’Hara runs in behind, which was pretty effective last night. Pleasing to see us so menacing from set pieces as well. I can see Thomas assisting Euan Murray a few times this season.
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