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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Sanctimonious bullshit. Its because we're fucking massive, that's why. I retract my earlier pessimism. We're smashing this on Saturday.
  2. The size of our away support this season after everything we've had to put up with is absolutely unreal. 2 wins in 24 away league games under this fucking charlatan and we're still selling 1000 tickets with more than two days to go. We'll fucking lose this one as well.
  3. Cheers mate. I'm not actually an organiser, I just contribute when they're there. Just felt it was something that might be of interest to some.
  4. If any of you guys are coming down to the game on Sunday and feeling charitable, there will be a food bank donation drive behind the Moffat Stand from 10.30am. Appreciate its less convenient to travel with stuff than for us home fans, but thought I'd pop it in here nonetheless. It's the goal end stand opposite to where the away fans will be. https://mobile.twitter.com/KillieFoodbanks/status/1645737079861641218?cxt=HHwWhIC87fLJ6tYtAAAA
  5. I fancy Dundee United to beat Hibs next weekend. That was an absolute must win for us yesterday as I don't see us picking up more than one point before the split. Still a long way to go.
  6. Was that Andrrrrrew from Brrrrridge o'Weirrr?
  7. Nice to see Spain reduced back to histrionic bottlers now the steroids have run out. I'd rank that alongside Denmark last year, bigger games to come in this group. It really feels to me like that was a must-win in retrospect, fantastic to get it.
  8. Looking for a spare to Stirling vs Dumbarton for tomorrow if anyone can help out.
  9. Suspected strike sympathisers IMO.
  10. I've no idea how we're still in this y'know. Next weekend absolutely massive.
  11. Christ almighty it's going to be straight shootout between Ian McCall and Tommy Wright! Baby oil, paddling pool, let's see who wants it more...
  12. One thing is certain. Rangers and Celtic will be kept apart through sheer chance.
  13. Really starting to feel the anxiety building as we move into tomorrow, and certainly moreso since Gatland has decided to bin the old warhorse. Hopefully be happily driving back from Tannadice tomorrow listening to it on the radio.
  14. Not just saying this because they'll likely read it, but the improvement that Open All Mics would enjoy if they binned all the ex-players and handed it over to the AVFTT boys would be enormous.
  15. Who was that guy that used to bang on about Harry Souttar all the time?
  16. I do like the idea of being part of schemes. The "get rich quick" kind as opposed to the social housingy kind if possible.
  17. Tell her in the morning that you've got her tickets to see Hamilton. She'll assume its the musical....
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