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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Geoff Horsefield's name cropped up on AVFTT podcast the other day and Garner's name immediately sprung to my mind. Can you guys not just go back to that? Definitely my favourite era of Rangers, see if you can encourage your pals across town to do the same...
  2. Easy, its twice the number of stairs in my house plus three.
  3. #uptheroad Seriously, who describes themselves as being from "up the road"?
  4. That's right, we'll see your "getting relegated with one shite goalkeeper" Dundee United...and raise you... There was also the Scottish Cup quarter at home to you lot, where we were winning with 5 minutes to go, with the old firm already out, and Doyle struck. The whole episode was just PTSD-inducing. We gave him a new deal as player/coach as well.
  5. Absolutely insane thing to say when my own team is heading into a relegation playoff decider at exactly the same time...but I'm so excited about Van Veen hopefully breaking this scoring record. Feel like I'll be refreshing my phone every minute in the hope that he does it.
  6. Can't wait until this season is over. Its bizarre to think there's a series of results that could see us safe tonight, so completely have I written off it's likelihood. Comfortable home win.
  7. Congratulations to Annan! Great to see them get it over the line after so many near things. Looked a brilliant atmosphere in the away end as well.
  8. Is that even arithmetically possible? Where's @mathematics when you need him?
  9. Livi in the first half hour of that game yesterday were really not living down to some of the prematch rhetoric from you guys. Although from about 35 minutes on they seemed to fade badly. You look worryingly like us on the road now, one or two moments of adversity and there's no visible belief. Hope it picks up again next season.
  10. The thing about St Johnstone is, if they went down I don't think they'd come back up.
  11. The quality of this photograph is absolutely unbelievable btw. Honestly, if someone had said this was their pal and their brother on a boys holiday last year I'd have believed it.
  12. Not a patch on Stirling vs Dumbarton... What a night in the Championship btw, drama at top and bottom. Can't wait for it to get started!
  13. Fabulous stuff here. Shades of when Sawyers was kicked our of RP and essentially live streamed himself shouting in an empty Rugby Rd. Let us know how you get on will ye?
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