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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. How on earth is that not a red card?
  2. Really feels like we've got an awful lot of work to do before the window shuts next month. Part of me feeling like the XI tonight will be pretty unrecognisable by the end of the season. I said this last season, but Kyle Turner puts in a performance every time I see him. Thought he was excellent tonight again.
  3. Not a totally inspirational Kilmarnock lineup. Thistle fans must be licking their lips at the sight of Dylan McGowan name on the teamsheet after last years game at RP.
  4. Is this 2022's "bubble has burst methinks"? St Miz supporters, a great bunch of lads.
  5. Aye, not great from St Johnstone again. It's the strange wee collar that ruins it for me - really liked the shoulder detail on the original release pics. Both Ross County strips look great.
  6. Came on after reading this in the bbc gossip page this morning - really intriguing. Does anyone have a link to the source data? Or know what the basis of the calculation is?
  7. They've got a live stream where they shout out the buyers name like a pirate radio station.
  8. Ordered my only king rib supper from the Kings Cafe in 2003. Would not recommend.
  9. Love that book. As soon as I stopped reading I went back to the beginning and started again.
  10. Aberdeen picking up the prize this year. Two belters.
  11. Or point to an innocuous empty pavement as the music darkens, and you deadpan tell the camera about the time he skooshed you with a hose.
  12. I'd give him a chance. Looked unplayable in some matches last year and has a totally different energy and physicality to anyone else in our forward line. Worth a gamble for all the expense it'd be.
  13. This opinion is so dull it's put me in a comma.
  14. Love apostrophe's, hate class football strips.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scotsman.com/sport/football/celtic/latest-celtic-news/even-michael-nelson-admitted-it-was-spot-kick-claims-foiled-anthony-stokes-1638135%3famp Not always
  16. The middle one looks like a bus seat Your mum's a fucking bus seat.
  17. Does it help if you imagine it to be a perfectly oval hole with a white Bakery-branded t-shirt underneath?
  18. I love the usual Motherwell strip, one of the great strips of Scottish football IMO - doesn't need too much done to it, and I'm not keen on this year's one. Really like all of ours, Celtic away, and Hearts home is note perfect.
  19. On the ref, I thought his positioning was absolutely terrible yesterday. I can't readily remember a referee so often being hit by the ball, walking into players' path, having his movement restricted by the play etc. Just seemed to keep happening.
  20. Absolutely catastrophic camp that we'll all be glad to see the back of. That first half hour in Armenia tonight looked as though it might go the way of Kazakhstan IMO - thankfully we turned the corner and undoubtedly benefited from the red card just before half time. Hopefully the players can rest now, and come back in September ready for three big performances.
  21. Absolutely massive now, a win totally vital for the NL campaign. As shite as they looked at Hampden they were getting chances against Ukraine in the afternoon yesterday. That fucking aberration yesterday is the second time a bad team has beaten us under Steve Clarke - win tomorrow and reset for September IMO.
  22. Doesnt even need one, see that's another salary saved. Give that money straight to Daryl Broadfoot.
  23. Take Derek McInnes and f**k off.
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