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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Aye. Not a chance is he going to be here next season. I reckon he's keen to move, but alright with seeing out his deal. Would be a boot in the baws to lose him now. When he's not in the team we have absolutely nobody who can join up midfield and attack which leave Moult running about like a headless chicken trying to make something.
  2. Having watched it back in a spell of self-abuse, I'd say it was a shite pass from McHugh. That being said, at that point in the game McManus should have fucking blootered it out the park if he was in any doubt.
  3. Might as well just put this iconic trio in together if we've already named Molloy and Keegan.
  4. Don't think Taylor is eligible because nobody's seen him. For all we know he might actually still be at the club hiding in a cupboard in the main stand.
  5. Honourable mention to Steve Jones for having a shit haircut to match his absolute shit footballing ability.
  6. I'll always remember Straker's first touch on his debut. Straight off the top of his foot right into his coupon.
  7. Cheers! It's just good to get it out there and hear something that isn't either "You need to hate her now." or "Just cheer up and move on". I'm not sure what will happen now. I don't know which way it will go, we've agreed to give each other space for a while and I know she has her own stresses to deal with away from this. What's kind of bothered me about this is that I wasn't really aware how fragile my own mental health was. Up until this point I've always managed to take a hit, brush it off and get through it. Then she left me in December and I had a bit of a meltdown, featuring a really memorable evening where I burst into tears in the middle of a pub.
  8. Think I mentioned this on another thread about my recent experiences. I'd probably say the past 4-5 weeks has been the lowest I've ever felt in my life in my own head. The whole of last year was a never-ending shitstorm, various health issues in the family (both mental & physical issues) culminating in me finding my uncle dead in his living room one morning. Not necessarily a shock as he had been ill for years but still something I don't think I'm over completely. Currently I'm going through the worst break up of my life. The girl I was convinced I'd spend the rest of my life with split up with me before Christmas and it's been entirely her decision. She's made some bad choices, but I still care about her a lot and I sit wracked with anxiety that I could end up not being with her. She was feeling there were problems in the relationship but didn't want to open up about them because she hates rocking the boat and it's resulted in this absolute nightmare for me. I've found myself waking up in the night having proper nightmares about her fairly often since. I've ended up just taking days off work to sit in bed, which I know for a fact isn't healthy. Pretty much the last 7-8 months has absolutely kicked me into the ground and every time I think I can turn it round it feels like it just gets worse. Venting at a football forum is a strange step to take, but I wanted to put this out there.
  9. ...shortly after announcing the "David Gest is not dead" tour.
  10. I don't think I ever will. It gets better and better with every watch. From Tiffany's "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" to Angie's correction "Not David Gest! David Bowie. My ex-husband" to Darren Day going in to pull the covers back on David Gest's bed and check if he had died.
  11. It's a year to the day since the most ridiculous passage of television in history was broadcast:
  12. He has shown wee bits and pieces of his ability in other games. And he was looking decent in the Hamilton game before he assaulted Donati in a 50-50. Like I said, I assume he's not getting paid that much so can't really complain.
  13. If he could hit the heights of the Ross County game with any regularity without getting broken I'd sign him on a 3 year deal. He absolutely bossed it that day. I'd probably rather see a midfield with McHugh, Lucas, Cadden & Clay in it these day. Adding in Pearson when he inevitably re-signs and it's a decent option. He might be a bit of a crock but I reckon if you got 10 games out of Pearson until May you'd get 5-6 goals out of him from running beyond the strikers.
  14. I assume Lucas is on relative buttons for wages. Not a bad signing, but I hope he actually stays fit. And also doesn't try and kick someone's legs off again.
  15. Allegedly aye from Rangers. Then we let him go for £100k. The mind boggles at how the club was run then tbh.
  16. Fairly certain Reynolds at left back is the brain child of this mastermind:
  17. I know. To play at left back, which I think he's done about 5 times in his career. No chance would I have him back
  18. Not sure if it counts as a gig or not, but I've just booked my ticket for Primavera Sound Barcelona in June. The line up is absolutely insane.
  19. See those "Lean in 15" videos where he shouts while cooking. They make me seethe like nothing else on the planet. I cannot stand the guy.
  20. Don't think Stuart Carswell has made a forward pass in his entire career. But if you're needing a midfielder to always pick out a centre back, he's your guy.
  21. If his football was as good as his social media game he'd be worth a fucking fortune.
  22. Christ, don't say that on SteelmenOnline. I get what you mean though. His last start was against East Stirling in the cup which I thought would be a great opportunity for him to actually run riot against a part time team and gain a bit of confidence. Turned out not to be the case as he was absolutely shit and got rightly hooked after an hour. Whereas Cadden, Hall, Maclean and now Campbell have come in and thrown themselves into it and looked good, Thomas has managed a single assist and bugger all else.
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