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Boo Khaki

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Everything posted by Boo Khaki

  1. Front page of what? Is the implication here that Newspapers have to fabricate stories so they can be selective about what they print? They are already entirely biased in how and what they choose to cover regardless. The fact they are privately owned, and no more than propaganda vehicles for their owners and editors, already provides them with the ability to totally ignore stories they don't want to cover. What an odd assertion. Never mind the fact that this particular story broke on Friday and Saturday, when the deadline for Johnson's texts was last night.
  2. Doesn't matter who the quicks are if the guy behind the wicket continually puts edges on the gound.
  3. Unchanged England squad for the 4th Test. It's like they are deliberately trying to throw it at this point.
  4. The whole Bud Light thing is hilarious. Massive culture war hoo-haa, nobody pointing out that no sane person would drink it because it's utter piss.
  5. They have R&D plans to consider and I honestly can't see why they'd promote Tsunoda since he's done nothing notable whatsoever at AT. At worst, I think they might demote Perez temporarily and install Riccardo in the race seat for a few races to give Checo a mental reset. It might become a permanent thing if DR performs.
  6. Gonna be interesting when that yin is finally 6 feet under and there isn't an army of lawyers protecting him any more.
  7. There's a possibility that the person in question has also been the victim of an offence themselves, so I don't think any organisation should be doing much in the way of naming anyone until the police themselves give the say-so.
  8. Duckett Crawley Moeen Root Brook Stokes Foakes Woakes Wood Broad Tongue
  9. A big part of Ferrari's issue is the car can't replicate single lap performance in race conditions, so they can push Max close for pole, which makes everyone think they should be pushing for podiums and the odd win, when in reality they probably have the 3rd, perhaps even 4th fastest car over longer stints. I don't think they really have a 'now' issue, it's more that they appear to have made no progress since early last season, and don't appear to be on the cusp of making any sort of step forward any time soon either. They're just meandering along in mediocrity.
  10. Pads hit 5 Mets batters tonight, but they weren't biting
  11. Kinda hoping it kicks off in this Pads/Mets game because I wouldn't put it past Joe Musgrove to charge the Mets dugout and kick f**k out of Buck Showalter after last years' playoff horseshit. and just as I post that, Musgrove hits Alonso in the helmet with a curiously mislocated curveball. And he hits the next batter with another curve
  12. Ted Williams is in the Padres HoF despite not even playing two full seasons as a Padre. Of course, this was 30 years before the Pads were even an MLB franchise, and Williams himself was a Baseball HoF'er before the Pads were an MLB club. Just screams of 'we'll have a bit of that for marketing purposes'. Surprised the Pads didn't try and poach a bit of Ricky Henderson's legacy as well.
  13. No sure you can really call any series an 'all time classic' when a lot of the cricket played has been shockingly poor. It's entertaining enough, but moronic captaincy, brainless bowling, dropped catches galore, and idiots throwing their wickets away isn't really indicative of two quality teams going at it hammer and tongs. It's a bit weird seeing 'World Test Champions' Australia only just overcoming this England side, but I think they are suffering a bit from being dragged down by a mediocre opponent. England definitely get a bigger 'Home' boost playing at Headingley than they do somewhere like Lord's, and I think that is a factor in narrowing the gap, but for all the slagging England have had for being poor I also think Australia have performed far below their best in this series to date. Reminds me of the '81 series a bit, in the respect that the 1981 Ashes also contained a whole heap of shitey cricket, truth be told, but that's also regarded as a 'classic' because people only really remember it for the good bits and not the bad, so god knows.
  14. Was always amusing trying to spot the errant one when the nipple count was an odd number.
  15. Frank Skinner said West Brom used to sing a variation on this that went ' we all agree xxxx player is better than pele.... xxx player is better than Eusebio' So for us '"We all agree Jocky is better than Pele, big John Duncan is better than Eusebio, Dundee United are smelly!"
  16. Yet another instantly forgettable GP. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................
  17. They should just give Stroll oil slicks, tacks, blades on his wheel hubs, and run him as an official FIA 'jam' car
  18. What time tonight do they announce the result of the race?
  19. There's this weekend's Sainz Siesta
  20. Boils my piss that they all whine, bitch, and moan about the SC not going fast enough, and the comeback is always that Meylander is absolutely tanking it as quickly as the car allows. Stick flashy lights on the top of a spare F1 car instead, and tell them to STFU
  21. Safety Car needs that lap deleted
  22. England will have a harder time forcing a win at Old Trafford imo. Jimmeh's home ground, but I'd honestly think about bringing Tongue back instead, or sticking with Robinson if he recovers from the spasms. OT suits the Aussie attack far more than Headingley.
  23. Nice. We have a meaningful 4th Test
  24. Well that was their last chance.
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