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Everything posted by eddiemunster

  1. Paul Slane is an ugly wee rat who got exactly what he deserved out of his football career. Looks like he dooks for chips and then dries his face with a cheese grater and is about as funny as getting kicked in the arse with an open toed sandal.
  2. Thanks. It turned out lovely, really cheap & simple to make as well.
  3. Chicken thighs, pan roasted with a tomato and chorizo sauce.
  4. I know I've had a heavy night on the booze when I do a shite the next day that smells exactly like Southern Comfort. I've not drank Southern Comfort since the early 90s.
  5. Green Milk Smoked Bacon (decent dry cured gear only) Gluten free bread (medical reasons, don't each much of it either because it's garbage)
  6. A loyalty scheme for the team with fans who are already meant to be...loyal?
  7. "Did Lalo send you? Ignacio he's the one" certainly has much more significance now. Despite never being mentioned in BB, the transformation of Kim from straight laced corporate lawyer, to slipping Kimmy has me feeling she might still be pulling strings in the background somehow during the BB era. When it was all coming down and Saul gave his receptionist the card of a lawyer who could help her, that's got to be Kim right? What will become of Nacho though?
  8. One of the small benefits of the current lockdown is being able to take time for a nice breakfast. This was just some bacon, avocado and soft boiled eggs on gluten free toast. You need to put something tasty on gluten free bread because it's absolutely shite.
  9. Just the standard one mate. Picture is a bit contrasty, so it looks more red than usual I think.
  10. Shut your fucking face uncle fucker.
  11. Griddled salmon and asparagus, couple of poached eggs and some siracha.
  12. Things are moving along in interesting ways, particularly with Kim and how it appears she is valuing the scamming side more than the straight corporate law. What's going to happen with her? Will she get her fingers burnt and end blackballed from the legal profession or could she possibly still be involved in the background during the BB era?
  13. It could be argued that what they paid for were football matches in the context of a competitive league. Declaring the league null and void has a material effect on the games which were paid for. TV companies, sponsors and fans pay less for friendlies because of the lack of meaningful competition. They could potentially have some contractual comeback on the basis of the competition being declared null and void. It's all speculation of course, but simply declaring null and void may have unexpected impacts.
  14. How far reaching is the definition of "Null and Void", does it only apply to league placing or does it extend to all commercial arrangements throughout the season? If you argue the season is null and void, does that mean any/all monies received (TV money, season tickets, sponsorship etc) must therefore be reimbursed?
  15. Save any arguments between Celtic and Rangers by simply giving the title to us. Asterisk it all you want, I'll fucking take it.
  16. You do realise you can create an account prior to being banned on another yes? Your patter is dull. Feel free to have the last word now
  17. https://twitter.com/Eddiemunsteron1/status/1238227197007212545?s=19
  18. I'm going out on a limb here and suggest you're some sort of serial-banned scudbook.
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