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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Tut-Tut, Jimbo...keep a civil tongue and all that...
  2. Or, perhaps he turned himself in ?...
  3. Thanks Sean, think it'll come down to decision on distance from pitch to changing rooms & toilets, then. Best of luck with your plans.
  4. Hmm...Erm,...early days, lads...we're only thinking about Jack's Park at the moment...good playing surface, very tiring on the old limbs,...fucking miles fae dressing rooms. Cannot possibly meet criteria unless rules are relaxed from WRJFA version. Perhaps Colin can confirm ? If rules are going to be relaxed then I fear for the likes of Saltcoats Victoria & Ardeer Thistle if other clubs (good amateur clubs) can just get the council to give them a park at a better standard to allow them to progress instead. Dunno what to think about this one really...Can Sean give more detail ? Is it their intention to abstract support from Victoria ?
  5. Tssssk...those medical experts, eh ? Minimal risk to young, fit, participants ?...Perhaps killing random grannies by brushing against them in the shop doesn't mean anything to you. Maybe we've already run out of elderly folk to wipe out because your fit, young, fitba playing relatives have given them a big cuddle already. What is it about a pandemic that you and the Kemlin p***k don't understand ? You've been punting your warped & twisted views all over the various forums for months now...Is there an election coming up or something ? Ah, there is then,...Gonnae give it a wee rest on the West forum for a while 'cos we are fucking sick of your preaching attitude. My viewpoint is my own and I don't represent any particular club...etc. etc.... Let's get fitba back (safely) as soon as we can without blaming any government for it not being here sooner.
  6. Careful, Big Bill...I know myself that the "my team" selection doesn't actually count for anything but that "Dev" character would get you relegated.
  7. Acht,...tae hang wae the serious questions... Anyone else liking the proposal that we can cut down on the number of blazers running the leagues by appointing more blazers ? Streamlining
  8. I'm not going back to check when we were on 460, chief...you batter in if you want..
  9. Read it as if it were 4-4-2 I imagine...eight at the back, nobody up front ?
  10. Austin ? Don't know if he could raise a competitive team in Texas.
  11. I fear some Lancaster bombers are incoming.... They are a bit late, though...should've been done for 617 I think...
  12. You sound like a multi personality type of guy..... Is that you just beginning to suspect that Gasbag might be the poster formerly known as Traffordab & many other names ?....
  13. Saddened to read this news. Smashing wee player, but more importantly a genuinely nice wee man. Thoughts go out to his family.
  14. Yay !! Get this thread pinned to the top of the page, David...with a bit of luck we'll all be using it every week from about mid-October onwards. C'mon the gantry guys.
  15. What kept you ?... The guy that shouts "Cesspit" at you every time you post was here ages ago...
  16. Pretty sure Kennie Young wasn't a "pyramid type". Also sure he is a great fixture secretary and we couldn't have asked for anyone better for that particular post. Bit of a shame that a twenty team top division and a pandemic is probably going to f**k it all up for him.
  17. Erm,...naw...not really to any of them. I do have some standards, you know...
  18. Wid not, wid not, wid, wid not, wid, wid not. Wid, wid, wid, wid not, wid not, wid.
  19. P.S....I'm with you. I want them back in their own place serving their own community. I don't want to sound harsh here but there's been about half a dozen ( maybe more) clubs who have managed to get entirely new stadia built in the six (or eight) years since they sold the ground (or surrounding land)...delete as appropriate to suit the narrative. I'm sure we've all got our fingers crossed for them. Don't take it wrong,..we wish you well. We mean it.
  20. You're wasting your time with them. It's been blah, blah, blah for years now. Can't wait for the photo in the Herald where they point to the "corrupt" cooncillors.
  21. Thanks for the advice. I know the ins & oots. As I said, I wish the club well for the future.
  22. Has anybody ever seen Abercrombie when he didn't have a moustache ? ....A moustache ?.. A moustache ?... ...When he didn't have a moustache ?.... Feel free to join in with the chorus.
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