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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Can't say I disagree with anything much in that statement, Peter...We went to a fair bit of trouble to create a league for Mr.Fraser so that his team would eventually have a place to be relegated into and then he turns around to suck the old firm boaby at the first chance he got. Maybe we should tell him that clubs (with supporters) will probably not bother attending matches with his club if this dreary, tawdry, proposal goes ahead.
  2. The rock...it casts a shadow, the wiiiiiiind it howls in off da reeever ...but there I was...lying in the arms of Mary....
  3. Yes, yes, of course...semantics. There are just too many to list as few as five. It would be a different answer tomorrow. It would be just as valid to list your own top five Dr. Feelgood shows. They would all be correct, but not necessarily in the right order.
  4. p.s. There are too many great gigs for whatever reason made them "great" (for you personally) at whatever time in your life to list them. Just too many. I can't begin to list mine. I can't play a note, so my thanks to all the chanters, chancers, screamers, shouters, players, and poseurs who have entertained us. God gave rock & roll to you, gave rock & roll to you, gave rock & roll to everyone.
  5. Erm,...I've seen seven out of the eight quoted above (I wouldn't have crossed the street to see Yes)...you have forgotten one other individual who, when seen live, cannot be bettered. The late, great, Rory Gallagher. Oh,...and another...the late, great, and indeed sensational, Alex Harvey. Now you can close the thread.
  6. Everton, you say ? You must get your supporters bus up here to visit Glenbuck Cherrypickers...for some reason they seem to have fallen from favour and they've not been mentioned in the media very much recently but they have an informative display at the entrance to the stadium which, I'm sure, your lads will find fascinating. You'll love it.
  7. ^^Apropos of nuffink... I wish I'd never got on this...this flight tonight.
  8. Aye, aye,...we know it's the unpopular opinions thread but yer just talking ...shite. Signed, Winston Rodney.
  9. I was quite pleased for the friends we've made at the Bankies until that last bit. The gas chamber ? Really ? After that comment I hope Pollok kick you black & fucking blue 'cos you've just lost all goodwill with that. My last word on the matter. P***k.
  10. Colin,...for pity's sake, gonnae just tell us if those clubs have even applied ? If not, we're skipping our game at the Buffs next season and going tae Campbeltown that day instead !!
  11. Well,...it turns out my wee joke backfired on me a bit as I didn't realise that "vagrant" was an actual, real, term that you chaps used for this type of thing. I stand corrected. p.s. Lots of smashing pictures...Jolly good... Carry on all, as you were...
  12. Jeez...it worked. That's the rest of my week sorted...
  13. ^^ "Everyone assumed it was a random vagrant". Aye,...wee tramps, so they are,...
  14. The advertising hoarding on the left of the picture seems to be from a Paisley company.
  15. ^^ "Can you point out my spelling mistakes for future reference"....certainly : "sufferring" Just saying, like....
  16. ^ One of those chaps would appear to be a friend of Brian McGinlay.
  17. Suspect that those "down arrows" are probably nothing to do with people against the re-starting of fitba and more to do with people being sick to the back teeth of you using a non-league forum as a vehicle for your constant cheap shots (oops) and jibes about the Scottish Government. Everybody wants to see the safe return of fitba.
  18. I'm bumping this one back up for no reason other than that being a magnificent photograph. I want that image on a T-shirt to celebrate real fitba. Don't remember this chap at all...was this taken before he got the gig as the singer in Sham 69 ? "If the kids...were Ayr United"..."We would never"...etc...
  19. Well,...that and the fact that they (and their pitch) continue to be shite. The sooner FW have a feeder league to be relegated in to the better.
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