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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. SharpAl would be the person to ask for Renfrew related info.
  2. ...Or Colin has said something relating to it and the Record has just printed any old shite same as usual....
  3. Well,...that's OK by me then ! I just wanted to make sure he was still with us. We don't need him to be on an interwebby forum type thing...we just need him to be spouting his pish at the fitba. Fingers crossed that you young yins & us auld cuntos get to pointlessly argue about it again.
  4. That's the spirit...good lad. On another tangent, since P&B seems to have reverted to being two massive threads (thanks to Bat-Man and this virus thing) is Fonzie OK ? He is nuts, but we're worried about him...is he still OK ?
  5. Sorry HPH...the edit comment wasn't meant for you. You know which humourless, pedantic, blokes I mean.
  6. How can they be grandstanding ? You haven't built them a stand yet. Well played, Yoker Athletic !! Erm,...I don't really mean it...C'mon Yoker before the Bankies all Wet, Wet, Wet, themselves.
  7. It was the photograph which confused me. Sorry lads, but you can't possibly accept any team where a chap wearing tights appears to be tackling one of his own team-mates for possession of the football. That is not how it works.
  8. He might mean Cesare Maldini....he usually plied his trade on the left side of the field and was a smashing player. Also has the bonus point that when he got older he began to look a wee bit like Iggy Pop.
  9. Erm,...Aye OK...we need an answer for the artist formerly known as Burnie_Man do we ?... OK, I'll do it...Shoosh lads, let me speak,...Yes, initially we were sceptical but when it became obvious that you weren't going to shut the f**k up we decided just to keep you rambling on & on & on for several years until we were ready to loup straight in...this virus thing seems to have kyboshed the plan for a wee while but hopefully we'll all still be here and ready to rock after it clears up...and we will then proceed to whup some ass. Just promise us that when your team is getting hammered by your new overlords at Lugar Boswell Thistle that you'll just gracefully bow down to the inevitable and not start a new campaign to restructure Scottish fitba ever again. Promise now. Scouts honour ? P.S. Also hope that you are safe & healthy too. Now...close the thread and wash your hands of it. Your evil work here is done.
  10. I can go earlier if you want ? I can mind when all this hereabouts was just fields, you know...
  11. Yup,...arriving as we speak ! He is naughty...but I like him.
  12. Doonhamer,...You didn't see the chaps worried that the SoSL position in the grand scheme of things is to be changed just because a new league is being formed with those pesky juniors in it ? Oh,...and as for Marshy...he is a well-known fruitloop who would cause a stooshie in an empty hoose. Just ignore him. Everybody else does.
  13. Can I just point out to those few "new" readers who are involved with current SoSL clubs who have been popping in to this thread recently that most of the people (as far as I can judge) who are calling for the league to be somehow "demoted" as a result of the formation of a WoSFL do not actually appear to have anything to do with any of the current West Juniors, East Juniors, or former East Juniors now in the EoS league. This clamouring for changed status for the SoSL (and picturing it as coming from within the junior, and former junior ranks) is clearly just internet forum bollox.
  14. There wasn't any doubt. I told you that about forty pages ago.
  15. Talbot baiting never gets old, eh lads ? Article clearly states ticket sold in South Ayrshire. I would have gone with Carlo checking pockets and Maybole signing an attacking midfielder from Ajax.
  16. Well aye,...but I was in a meeting making arrangements for the Commonwealth Games at the time. I wasn't in charge.
  17. Yup, absolutely this...it's all relative to the time (and sometimes place) your references relate. I'm retired now but my former colleagues would give me exactly those looks when I said stuff like "Awww, you'd do it for Randolph Scott"...
  18. They don't have to "announce" anything, though. But they will apply.
  19. The spelling & grammar police have got their beadies on you. Either spell the club name correctly or GTF. Whitletts Victoria...it isn't difficult. Similarly, we can't allow Gartcairn to play any part in this revolution if they can't spell the word "through" correctly. This would lead our members in the aforementioned S & G police to conclude that they are one of these new-fangled "soccer" clubs who ply their trade in an un-terraced "cage" environment to the disadvantage of us wee cuntos who cannae see wtf is going on during the course of the game. Apart from that...this is great. Once the big Ayrshire clubs join in this will have the makings of the basis for a proper system. After that, the Buffs will no doubt crash and burn again. As usual.
  20. As long as the money is being put in to the game I don't really mind,...
  21. "Soccer Shop" ? Fitba, Fitba, Fitba !!...how many times do we have to tell them...it is called fitba !
  22. Does she ? Fingers crossed everyone is OK in the coming months. Then we can get back tae ripping intae each other about fitba.
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