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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Burnie Man...I told you years ago that there was going to be bucket loads of pish talked on this thread.
  2. Are you actually saying that you think it is OK to use a "laughing" symbol in the context of a person being treated for cancer ? I'm not sure that'll sit well with anyone.
  3. Oh, ffs...this how all the mis-information and name calling starts on social media. Guy from Raith Rovers puts it about that WR are telling clubs that it costs ninety grand for floodlights before you can join up. Bullshit. Didn't happen. WR reps clearly explained that you only need lights if you're in the position to be promoted to the LL. Clearly explained that would be the case regardless of the feeder league you were coming out from. Guy writes stuff on P&B and it becomes fact in big capital letters....And another thing,...about a squillion pages back, a young man who gives up his free time to film games for us all to watch was internet bullied for merely asking a question. His "neutrality" was queried (by someone who should know better) as if it was some sort of fault because he hadn't yet made up his mind and asked for further information. Think some of you need to catch a wee grip here....I'm particularly looking at the guy that called Bobby MacNamara a liar. You do know that we can all see what you've written, mate ?
  4. That'll be the very same man that you told Berwick Rangers supporters was definitely going to be their new manager...even when they already had a manager. Your "overheard" information, which you then gleefully posted on here, prompted Iain to have to create an account just so that he could reassure them...and their current manager (who is his friend)...that you were actually talking shite. You might be right this time but I think I'll wait for official confirmation. You still flipping burgers for the taxi drivers, Brian...?
  5. See you scamps and your mis-information ?... My understanding is that Kilbirnie Ladeside have already "registered an interest" in the new (original LL backed) WoSFL and would be part of the 15 mentioned above. Maybe Sancho Panza can clarify if this is the case.
  6. Steady you...we've got shoes that are older than you. All this used to be fields, you know...
  7. You've taken that one too far. We don't want this to become another one of those marathon threads.
  8. In fairness to the lad, he was being parachuted in at the last moment though,...
  9. Which one is Gavs' pal ? Go on, you can tell us...we won't laugh and point at him, honest....
  10. Burnie Man...I don't really know how or why it has got to this...but...as wee Melanie said... "Look what they've done to your thread, man...Look what they've done to your thread". For the love of all things reasonable...Kill it now !! Put it out of its misery....
  11. Erm,...naw Kennie,...you are reading this wrongly...Both clubs should be commended for getting the fixture played in awkward conditions. The farce was that Lugar Boswell managed to be completely shite from start to finish after I'd been bigging them up all day to my pal who had to swim from Lochwinnoch to watch them. Nobody is "castigating" the Burgh or the fixture secretary. I'm just a bit miffed at Lugar. What would Sanny McSorland have said about that capitulation ?
  12. Do we have to bring our own horses head...or will Maybole supply them ?
  13. "come down and get your football fix on a Friday night, we look forward to welcoming you all". You make that sound like an offer we can't refuse....
  14. Surely tae feck...oot of all the old guard...he's got to be the one we're taking with us when we go !
  15. Why is everybody so obsessed with meaningless twitter or facebook "interest" statements from clubs anyway ? Surely the only reliable indicator will be actual applications ? Nobody appears to have asked who will actually decide on the successful applicants. If this is to be an entirely new league structure, who is it making the choice of whether a club is deemed worthy of being in or oot of the new structure ? Every club who voted to investigate pyramid entry has to already be considered as being "interested". Only those who actually apply can follow the process to conclusion. Who actually gets to decide on the applications when the league doesn't really exist as yet ? Sorry about the long-winded thinking out loud type post, chaps. I really want this to happen but I wouldn't want to think that any decent small clubs had been excluded on the mere whim of some bloke from Kilwinning or his pals from BSC or Clydebank. This should really be in the other thread...but they seem to be more concerned with easterly matters at the moment.
  16. Predictive text (rather than typo) then...
  17. FFS...it was a wee joke. He obviously meant Glenafton Athletic. It was only a typo.
  18. Be a bit surprised if Glengarnock can raise a team nowadays...
  19. I'm glad that there is still a wee space found on this interweb world for a genuine fruitcake. I doff my imaginary Harris tweed cap in your direction. I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again,....you are a nutcase, sir, and we salute you for it. You take care out there.
  20. Right...good,...we're all agreed then ? Just to be clear,..which Tuesday am I going to Elgin ?
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