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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Surely tae feck...oot of all the old guard...he's got to be the one we're taking with us when we go !
  2. Why is everybody so obsessed with meaningless twitter or facebook "interest" statements from clubs anyway ? Surely the only reliable indicator will be actual applications ? Nobody appears to have asked who will actually decide on the successful applicants. If this is to be an entirely new league structure, who is it making the choice of whether a club is deemed worthy of being in or oot of the new structure ? Every club who voted to investigate pyramid entry has to already be considered as being "interested". Only those who actually apply can follow the process to conclusion. Who actually gets to decide on the applications when the league doesn't really exist as yet ? Sorry about the long-winded thinking out loud type post, chaps. I really want this to happen but I wouldn't want to think that any decent small clubs had been excluded on the mere whim of some bloke from Kilwinning or his pals from BSC or Clydebank. This should really be in the other thread...but they seem to be more concerned with easterly matters at the moment.
  3. Predictive text (rather than typo) then...
  4. FFS...it was a wee joke. He obviously meant Glenafton Athletic. It was only a typo.
  5. Be a bit surprised if Glengarnock can raise a team nowadays...
  6. I'm glad that there is still a wee space found on this interweb world for a genuine fruitcake. I doff my imaginary Harris tweed cap in your direction. I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again,....you are a nutcase, sir, and we salute you for it. You take care out there.
  7. Right...good,...we're all agreed then ? Just to be clear,..which Tuesday am I going to Elgin ?
  8. Yup,...encourage them to build shelter by not going. That'll work.
  9. ...And until you get a response in the meantime,...just give us your money while you get soaked to the skin.
  10. ^^Above post is pish. Games have to be played. All credit to Mr. Young for a timeous warning of changes. What a difference from the previous incompetent. Easily the best fixture secretary since wee Matt. Just wait until you have to play Elgin away on a wet Tuesday evening...then you can complain...
  11. Harry,...has anyone told you that this game will be played at Renfrew ? I'm guessing it'll be kicking off about half seven if you can get there on time. They'll appreciate your three quid. Spread the word. I haven't been able to see Lugar Boswell in ages so I'm looking forward to this one. Always happy to give three quid tae Lugar. Good people there. Did I mention it was being played at Renfrew ?
  12. All that proves is that you have no imagination for nick-names in Bishopbriggs. The real big teams have chaps called Pee-Wee and Tucker and the like. Just think where you'd be if you gave your lads proper fitba nick-names.
  13. Erm,...perhaps not the best analogy to use there, chief...given what Goudie was banned for saying out loud...
  14. Just wanted to bump this up a wee bit....just change the name of your respective clubs and repost. See when we get this thing started, whoever wrote this should be put in charge immediately. Kudos to you. Rifts healed.
  15. Nope,....you've lost me too. What exactly is the point you're struggling to make ?
  16. Be a laugh if all 63 clubs apply, though....
  17. Is he seriously suggesting that the South Mull clubs will never again play their traditional rivals in North Mull ? This needs more detailed cartography work after further consultation and discussion between the relevant associations.
  18. Definitely not his fault...but it doesn't leave much time for a club holding it's supporters meeting on the previous evening.
  19. Hillview....Are Drumchapel seriously thinking about this ?
  20. Cumbernauld Colts -v- Dalry Thistle ? You're just doing this to annoy folk now, aren't you ? Makes the result even more remarkable, though...
  21. Come on now, Colin...you've to be resolute. There is no telling the man. He isn't listening to anyone else.
  22. " Rossvale academy, not the academy, put it to the SJFA" Glad you cleared that up.
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