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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. As an aside, whatever happened to Tommy Bryce? His teams always seemed to pay good football whenever I watched them. Is he still involved at this level?
  2. Cannot for the life of me get PayPal to work. JB if there is another way could you pm me?
  3. I know what one of their better players is on and it's nowhere near that. I don't know about anyone else though.
  4. If given the chance to join the English league system, would you take it? Both our two biggest clubs would comfortably be in the top 4/5 biggest in the UK if given the opportunity. I'm not sure the same could be said about Rosenberg or any Dutch team other than perhaps Ajax. The scale of the difference in size between clubs 1/2 and 3 in this country is astronomical.
  5. I was up Buachaillie Etive Mor on Sunday. Also attacked by midges at the car park and on the way up but they disappeared near the summit. They were replaced by some big fly things which were equally as discomforting. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. I was hoping to do the second Munro but noticed the clouds forming away in the West and with the thunder warnings I thought it wasn't worth the risk. I am never going to complete the Munros anyway so I'm not precious about racking them up. We did the Munro top next then descended the path down to the glen and walked along to the A82. A great day and it's already got me buzzing for the next one. Which will be in 3 years time at current rates. I did get from Kilwinning to Glencoe in less than 2 hours which is decent and reassuring that some really good climbs aren't that far away.
  6. I thought he was just giving some verbals to the Killie fans in the disabled section. Anyway, this weekend Celtic play their 3rd out of 4 games in a row which have taken place after Rangers have played their match. I thought this happened quite a lot last season as well. Any reason for that?
  7. I know this is probably quite mainstream, but having never done it before I'm looking forward to climbing Buachaillie Etive Mor at the weekend. I think this would be my 4th Munro - I'm not very experienced as you can guess, but I don't think I've ever actually had a good view at the top of any of the mountains I've been on, whether Munros or not, so hopefully this weekend will be different.
  8. We had the majority of the play on the first half but our midfield totally fell out of it in the second half and I couldn't see us getting back on level terms once Troon had scored their third. Could have scored another 3 had we taken those really good chances, but the opposite was true against Meadow last week so I guess it's evened out.
  9. I take it we are still using last season's strip for this campaign?
  10. Obviously Ardeer need to get shot of this guy as chairman, but how easy is this in practice? I can't imagine Ardeer's board are the biggest - is it normally the case at this level that the board can vote to oust a chairperson or does this depend on a club's constitution?
  11. Mines has been terrible the last two days.
  12. What punishment do you think a parent should receive for leaving children at home alone?
  13. That goes for about 90% of Ayrshire Amateur football in the 90s tbh!
  14. The difference is a lot of the teams you refer to were formed when football was still an emerging sport, or had yet to reach its attendance heyday in the 60s and 70s. Nowadays Celtic and Rangers have corralled probably at least 80% of the football-supporting population with the others clubs making up the other 20%. There aren't any unattached fans left. Even fans of WOSFL clubs probably have a 'big' team who they support. Clubs which are forming senior teams for the first time (e.g Bonnyton, St Cadocs etc) not only have to compete with the big clubs, but also existing WOSFL clubs, very often in towns or localities which already have a team at this level. Bonnyton for example are probably reliant on Kilmarnock or Hurlford fans to pay a visit, but they'll never have a fanbase of their own. I suppose it makes sense in a way for them to reap the benefits of their youth system but I'm not entirely sure where these clubs think they are going to end up. And another question I suppose would be - are these senior clubs subsidised heavily by the parents of the kids on the youth system via subs?
  15. I think we overestimate sometimes at this level just how little we feature in the overall scheme of things in Scottish football. Tier 6 and below is a relative footnote in most people's knowledge of the league structure. I was talking to a Hurlford supporter a couple of weeks ago (pre-Darvel v Tranent) who didn't even know that the champions of the West had a play off against the East & South and the winners would enter the Lowland League. I don't know if that is a common lack of knowledge; if so then the whole debate over promotion/relegation at Tiers 5 and below is essentially just reduced to Club Chairmen and P&B posters and change will be a long time coming.
  16. Did the plan to pay out up to 80k have any detail on how the 80k will be generated?
  17. It's the same people in positions of power within the WOS League clubs as was within the Juniors though. Even our fixtures secretary carried out the same role in the Juniors, and if I recall correctly wasn't in favour of leaving the juniors initially. And the most successful club at this level didn't even want to move over in the first place. The SJC will still be given Saturday slots mid-season (probably more now that the premier league season has been reduced). Everyone else will just need to work round it.
  18. Does anyone know how this plan was received at the time by those in attendance?
  19. No, not at all. It was just really poking fun at Glencairn and others re-entering a cup competition straight after the organisers paid out £17k to the finalists, but the decision not being motivated by money, it wasn't a serious comment. I have no idea what the reasons were but good luck to them and anytime else in the cup next year.
  20. Where is the money coming from? Does this year's payments to Talbot and Yoker include the prize money which was supposed to have been paid last season? The WOSFL Twitter account posting about it being a nice lift for the clubs involved was completely tinpot.
  21. I was glad to hear the manager say we had signed a few players for next season. Gormley always seemed to be a popular player so hopefully he can make a difference when players are deciding where to go next season. The squad was so thin yesterday but the players who turned up did well, battled hard and played some nice football at times. We missed Thomas Collins and were a makeshift team so losing was disappointing but not the end of the world. We have been asset-stripped throughout the season and haven't seemed to sign anyone else for reasons which have never really been made clear. Hopefully next season is a lot more stable.
  22. Clubs should be free to enter the junior cup for as long as they like. The WOSFL shouldn't have anything to do with accomodating it into the fixture lists though. You want it - fit it in yourselves on a Monday night when it doesn't clash with a league or other cup fixture. Live tweeting the final while being silent on the WOS League cup semi final played at the same time was appalling, and giving SJC fixtures prime time Saturday slots in the middle of a 38-game season wasn't much better.
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