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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. Theres a bit where he comes out with something like " ffs, I mean, im not a nonce" at a time when he was actually up to it. Mental.
  2. Soured the series a little bit for me finding out he was a real life nonce.
  3. Hate it when you go into the box and someone's eaten all the scorpions and moths and just left the empty claws and wings. Ignorant.
  4. One thing Tam is is certainly not quick witted. He had writer for his patter on the On The Ball tv show. Not for his newspaper column obvs, cause it was all just a pile of unfunny pish. His restaurant reviews were acceptable.
  5. All gigs, events and upcoming festivals that I'm due to be crewing for are cancelled. The production companies that we work with are shitting themselves, most have 20+ boys, plus all the subcontractor crews like us, with nothing to do when its just starting to get into gig season again.
  6. The Road. So fucking dark and cold you can feel it in your bones. The book is a peach as well. Also of its your thing check out the Autumn series of books by Brittish writer David Moody.
  7. And some fucking cretin comes out with "Its always the last place you look!"
  8. Brutal that you were storing your tv in the shed while cleaning your carpet
  9. The actual stump if you can? Looks like they've cut through the hinge on one side, no control over direction. Fucked it in other words. I'd be asking to see a copy of the boys valid chainsaw ticket too.
  10. Post up a pic of the stump Be able to tell if the fucked it from the hinge left.
  11. Yeah, he should be fine bar some underlying health issues. Just never heard him nervous like this
  12. O My old boys out there. Says it's looking like going tits up if they dont get food in. He sounded well shook, which gave me a bit of the fear tbh.
  13. "Then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I like you." Oh f**k Jeremy
  14. You want to see her, cause she cant see you, not now anyway!
  15. Even better when they hit however many in row that make up for the "tainted" titles.
  16. Putting out the full adress of the kids too, mental!
  17. That is a very, very nice watch. Adore metal G's.
  18. I am, you've got me. I'm literally shaking with rage here. You must have lived a very sheltered life Toby. Have a word with yourself, or a w**k. Whatever calms you down a bit.
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