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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. She typifies the one virtue that Conservatives genuinely value. An absolutely ruthless pursuit of power unencumbered by any particular ideology. She's been a Liberal, a one nation tory, a remainer, and is now indistinguishable from the ERG and the frothing right wing that she's turning tricks for to get a shot at the big dogs big job. A shameless, moral and intellectual blank hard drive that would sell her family, and her country for one more notch up the greasy pole.
  2. Forces sweetheart, Chris Morris plagiariser and nostalgia junkie Penny Mourdant is leading the polls with the membership. Mental.
  3. Just a perfectly normal and innocent hand gesture from a leadership contender delivering a speech from inside a bunker.
  4. You always have to assume these fuckers are up to no good so the proper oddballs and outsiders like Badenoch, Braverman etc may simply be trying to split the vote to knock out one or other of the bigger beasts in the early rounds.
  5. On the one hand, a proper ideological zealot and true culture warrior would be great for Yes but we still have to live here in the interim.
  6. Gove backing Badenoch confirming her status as the biggest threat to humanity in Britains Biggest c**t '22.
  7. I meant the personal trainer and Alum Cairns likes to have intercourse with men wearing ladies perfume. ALLEGEDLY The in work relationships aren't acceptable.
  8. As fun and salacious as this spreadsheet is, it contains criminality, serious breaches of professional conduct and entirely benign and presumably consensual adult relationships, all next to each other used for leverage to keep them in line by the whips office. "takes his personal trainer to the cinema + rooms at the Carlton" It's like an Ealing comedy only even less funny.
  9. Actual fucking spitfires. That Mourdant video is just risible, Antiques Roadshow pish. f**k the UK. An anachronistic shitehouse, governed entirely for and by c***s.
  10. There's a reason Tugenhadt was on BBC Jockoland Today. He's the most reasonable and isn't going to win.
  11. Autocorrect and beer garden. Schnapps. Ffs There's a squawkbox article but I'm not sharing that. Tbf, he could have been the regimental intelligence officer in the Scots guards. Not the intelligence corp or other agency. But only 3 years post commission and on an active deployment where intelligence was both crucial and complicated seems unlikely. You'd want a senior Captain doing that job. He could.have clarified rather than be a dick about it on twitter though.
  12. JFC he's backing Braverman. Apologies. And fucking hell. Braverman. She'd be the worst on the list if it wasn't for Badenhoch.
  13. Zahawi, Sunak, Truss, Braverman, Schnapps, Hunt, Tugenhadt Baker, Mourdant, Badenhoch I haven't seen a line up this bad or more likely to fail since Glass got his jotters. 5.5 million to beam up please Nicola.
  14. It's politically expedient but amoral and won't fix any of the problems and it doesn't have to be rejoin immediately. Ruling out sm, cu, and FoM is just the same sort of callous red meat as imperial measures and Rwanda. Exactly the pointless narrow venal self-serving and damaging shite the Tories are accused of.
  15. Hard to rule for the whole United Kingdom when he commands a mandate of less than 2% of the electorate in 1 of 4 nations and doesn't stand candidates in another. Amazing how "ruling for the whole United Kingdom" always means "f**k Scotland' and "we're giving the minority of English racists everything they could possibly want" isn't it?
  16. I don't get the objection tbh. The previous SLab leader, Rumplestiltskin Leotard was hilarious. Keith Stapler is the same.
  17. Apropos of nothing, this clip always makes me laugh.
  18. Combined with the Mets clearly negotiated non, delayed and suspiciously conveniently timed actual interventions, and then non investigations of certain events its a joke. But then so is the UK.
  19. Banterwise, a shame. But this always was a nonsense and a pretty terrifying disgrace that a concerted media campaign could force a police force into this.
  20. I like how Tugenhadt has already stolen Keir Starmers "we need a fresh start" line. He'd probably be the best candidate for not making a total arse of the job, followed by Wallace. The rest are either psychopaths or intellectual subnormals.
  21. The only reason we aren't in a January 6th situation with the Countryside Alliance and the Rangers/Millwall/Chelsea Intercity firms storming Whitehall is that he's genuinely unpopular. Even the most rabid of his tory party familiars know he's less popular than syphilis.
  22. God wasn't it terrible back in 2018 when we didn't have freedom? All the eulogising from his acolytes is going to look terrible when they blame everything on him at the various enquiries.
  23. A lot of trumpy types whose eyes are too close together moaning about the meedja hounding out AR BORIS on sky. f**k me.
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