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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Pomp, ceremony and tradition do help form a national sense of self identity, dramatically telling the world and reminding the people who and what we are. Wankers.
  2. Protected by a phalanx of ludicrously attired anachronisms and accompanied by the 3rd and her absent Imperial Majesty's massive diamond hat, the 2nd in line to the probably deceased lizard Queens throne will today read out the programme for government. Detailing the removal of the Human Rights Act, restrictions on the right to protest which have already been rejected by Parliament, deregulation and the removal of consumer protections and absolutely f**k all to assist the thousands of people in work who can't afford to eat. Gawdblessher. *wipes patriotic tear from eye*
  3. And Nicola launched the MV Glen Sannox in Novermber 2017.
  4. Tough one with so much talent around. Looking at Streeting, Nandy, Burgon, or maybe get an ex MP in via the Lords, like Hugh Gaffney.
  5. I'll say this. It is politically brave, bold and principled of him if he does commit to resigning should he be fined. But I don't think it's going to work. All set for the optimum Tory and hilarious outcome of Starmer commiting political seppuku while BawJaws blunders on unscathed.
  6. I don't think WBs and the above points are necessarily antagonistic. The DUP being not very nice and not very bright (hoors (Alex Massie)) doesn't mean they didn't want to drive the North away from the EU and therefore the South. They weren't unique, far from it, in lacking a coherent goal or way to achieve it. But they knew what direction they wanted Brexit to go. Nor does the fact they were up to no good and played a relatively very strong hand, very very badly mean they didn't get completely shafted. Because they did. And it was funny to watch if ultimately damaging for everyone.
  7. Labour shooting itself in the face for no apparent reason, again, now underway.
  8. The real beauty of it is, the backstop which was May's solution wouldn't have created a border anywhere on Irealnd and the only reason Frost, the ERG and the Boris fanclub railed against it was to punt her and put their ClownCunt in power.
  9. It also entirely infantalises the UK government and the British state apparatus as a whole. The proposition is that there is nobody else in the whole county who could supply arms and aid to Ukraine. Its fucking embarrassing. And as for winning elections, almost entirely down to him, the tories just took a ridiculous pumping. No matter how it is spinned that's what happened.
  10. If it helps, this is an excellent thread explaining why Lord Frost is a w**k.
  11. It's also more than fair to say the UK government is on very shaky ground when it comes to colluding with terrorists in Northern Ireland..
  12. Well @carpetmonster should know I don't approve of his use of this term either. And were this 2020 and i had noticed i would probably have objected then too. But whataboutery is no excuse nor does it explain away the strange coincidence that the only other the rangers poster to use this uncommon insult is one of the accounts we believe you used to have. If such etymological analysis is good enough to catch the unabomber it should be good enough to empty an enormous roaster like you. "You can't eat your cake and have it too."
  13. Not entirely unique but certainly very rare on the forum. So wouldn't it be amusing if in fact you have managed to hoist yourself with your own albeist petard. J'accuse etc.
  14. Paper review from the Fraser Nelsons of the Spectator and the GBeebies and former Labour MP and Brexit Jihadi Gloria de Piero.
  15. Do continue to use as many accounts as you like but if I have one request (I note the most recent examples have been removed) go and stop fucking referring to folk you are arguing with as suffering from lissencephaly or smooth brain syndrome. It's really not a very pleasant and life limiting condition and there are plenty of other perfectly good insults out there.
  16. "there is no support for a referendum" update.
  17. We could solve the energy crisis by harnessing the seethe generated by this single tweet
  18. "The problem with everyone on the left is all the sweeping generalisations they make about everyone on the right." Top content.
  19. Last I saw was SNP+ LD in talks. Would hate to be wrong but it has happened before. Golden rowies of joy on hold.
  20. Shiting golden topped rowies of pure joy at the grifters, sex pests, touchers and thieves of the Tory/Labour ACC finally getting turfed out.
  21. It would also be *fucking hilarious* if he did then have to resign. And Boris just bumbled on.
  22. The timing is incredible. Election has been completely forgotten on Sky
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