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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. No surer sign that you're an utter utter c**t than pontificating from on high about solving poverty by food management or pretending things were better back in the good old days, when things were demonstrably fucking shite. Especially when you're about 30.
  2. UK media, whip up fears of a far right French victory, part sneer at them forriners and part EuroBrexit w**k fantasy. The far right in France get pumped. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
  3. I've handed myself in for the things I said a few days ago were fine/the same as the things Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for, to the guy who the prime minister appointed who will after enough time has passed for this to die down, ask the prime minister if this was alright.
  4. I'm not. You're creating arguments no one is making to knock them down. I don't think you're a tory. I think, if these things you're thinking out loud are what you actually believe, that you are an imbecile. Sizzling.
  5. Brexit has unarguably had a negative effect on living standards. The pandemic and war in Ukraine also impacting hasn't made brexit disappear. Worst example of "well they all lie, so these inconvenient to me lies are fine" that i''ve seen for a while. Craven. .
  6. Ah the sweet, sweet smell of swashbuckling British democratic freedom.
  7. Oh it would be but how was Raith Rovers not a sufficient booting or any other of the shambles we've had. Anyway the most we can hope for is to have nothing to play for soon and we can bury this season 6ft down then salt the earth.
  8. A bit self-serving and with any luck moot but, there is a certain nobility to getting relegated. To have tried but failed. To have competed fairly but come up short, and then to accept the consequences then rebuild. And as absolutely fucking hilarious as the Embra and Dundee yo-yos recent travails have been, they were at least conducted with some level of decorum and dare I say it dignity. Aberdeen are in the bottom six because we deserve to be. We're not safe because we don't deserve to be safe and if the *actual shudder* unthinkable happens it will be because we deserve to get the drop. I don't think it will but if it does, perhaps it will be the boot in the baws the club needs and we might even get some silverware out of it. But to see one of the forums leading zombie bores come in here and take the piss about relegation, something they have yet to experience despite the rolling, toe-curling, protracted and rancid disgrace their preferentially placed journey to their first experience of the top flight, demonstrates such a lack of self awareness it's embarrassing. Far more so than any club that finished in the drop zone due to sporting failure.
  9. Odd that Kwarteng was on the telly all this week saying that this story wasn't a scoop or the result of leaks but evidence of the government being transparent. The lying, cheating, thieving, grasping c***s.
  10. Entirely concomitant with this season. Ridiculous penalty but we can't moan as they had a stone waller turned down a minute ago and we've been absolute dug shite.
  11. An arse assisted deflection seems like a fitting way to put the tin lid on our season.
  12. I'm sure we're about to discover there's NOTHING at all abnormal about this and to suggest otherwise is sexist, discriminatory and anti-Anmerican racism actually.
  13. Operation: Save Big Dog involves fucking someone else's wife? Well I am shocked.
  14. BBC blocked from naming alleged MI5 informant accused of abusing women You see this is the problem. In principle, of course the security services should be able to protect their informants and in these kind of very unusual circumstances restrict reporting and freedom of the press. But the government are demonstrably a bunch of cheating lying thieving c***s so this reeks, and the chances are this violent sexual offender is just one of their pals.
  15. "Take my wife's multi million pound tax evasion out of your god damned mouth" said the Chancellor of the Exchequer as he raised taxes for everyone amid the worst hit to living standards for nearly 80 years. f**k this country.
  16. Only Cock & Balls can win here -> literature coming through your letter box soon.
  17. I see that the Buckinghamshire Jockish diaspora style guide now lists everything that isn't top hat and tails or a tweed 3 piece and sitting on a horse as Neddy. The so far removed, literally and figuratively from reality pish that washed up joke speaks is equal parts amusing and tragic.
  18. It's just trolling. Their web-toed hysterical twitter minions are already taking offence at Irivine Welsh very correctly telling the c***s to get themselves fucked.
  19. It's the buckfast drinkers looking down their nose at the Eldorado drinkers that I can't stand.
  20. I think that calling for political opponents to be executed, or killed or to commit suicide isn't acceptable and any decent poltical party would suspend that member. I see that the SNP have done this. Thus confirming the SNP as the good guys.
  21. I get it now, rhe UK is like one of those 4 in 1 take aways where you can get pizza, curry, chips or a kebab all in the same place but they're guaranteed to give you the runs and everything would be much much better if they were separate.
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