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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but I couldn't see any other Indy threads. https://www.facebook.com/TheCommonWeal/videos/1778683055536024/ I don't think you need a FB account to watch this but it's quite uplifting. I had a tear in my eye watching it - it really does make it all seem possible, manageable and less scary. My copies of A Short Guide to Starting a New Country and its big brother, How to Start a New Country, arrived today so that's my reading for the rest of the week taken care of. I believe they cover the same ground as the video but obviously adding the meat to the bones. They're not about why independence is a good idea or how to achieve it. Instead they describe the tasks that need to be completed before and after the Yes vote. What institutions need to be put in place, what decisions made, etc. Basically answering most of the questions that were unanswered last time round. Looking forward to the chapter on a new Scottish currency. Anybody else reading these?
  2. I've often felt the same in Perth.
  3. 6 for Wednesday. A bit of a pattern developing here. Stupidly changed my mind on the square and can't believe I got the World Cup question wrong.
  4. I wonder if it's the wifi guys seeking to ring-fence their money again. Rangers can hardly argue that they're not in danger of insolvency this time round, not after the Takeover Panel decision and the Close Brothers having ring-fenced half their assets. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14207489.Rangers_win_fight_to_stop___300_000_arrestment_of_funds_by_WiFi_firm_over_fears_of_club_insolvency/
  5. An early start for Wednesday's quiz. 9 (nine) out of 10!! Got the Australian politics question wrong but guessed the sports and Margot Robbie questions right. Which was nice.
  6. I think they're tracking the high number of Scots by our IP addresses and sticking more Aussie questions in to annoy us.
  7. I was just going to post about this. What's that all about?
  8. Scored 7 for Friday. Got off to an awful start with two Aussie questions on the trot but things picked up from there.
  9. You've not been following the goings-on at Ibrox, have you?
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