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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. You're dead right. With Rangers, there was only one bid to set up a new club, not ten.
  2. I've got The Bruce Trilogy sitting on my bookshelf ready to be read. But a thousand pages is a wee bit off-putting. Still, a journey of a thousand pages begins with an 'ah, f**k it - I think I'll browse P&B for another twenty minutes instead'. BTW I bought the first volume back in the 70s but my gran read it first and locked it away in the 'this depravity is not for you, young man' cupboard. Can't wait to get to that bit!
  3. The tame QC (although he wasn't acting in that capacity at the time) did not 'dismiss it'. He did indeed find Rangers guilty of cheating but, through some obscure verbal and mental gymnastics, decreed that they had obtained no sporting advantage in so doing.
  4. Were you not a wee bit late asking that question? Or were you asking for next year?
  5. Aye, that's a new level of paranoia from the VBs. When SDM was paying exorbitant fees and salaries in the 80s and 90s, I don't recall Rangers fans giving much of a toss for the impact on Celtic or the rest of us.
  6. How about banning their own fans and only letting the opposition fans in? At least then they could be 100% certain that it was 'them' that had caused any trouble.
  7. Quite. I'm surprised that Kinky wasn't all over that one. Oh, wait...
  8. Keep a log, mate. Seriously. written records, even if they're just your opinion, scare the shit out of officialdom. I know - I've been on the other side. And, if goes to a tribunal, you're one step ahead of the man.
  9. If this happens, you just know it's going to turn out badly. Again. What is it with Rangers and their Del-Boy get-rich-quick-schemes? When will they recognise that they're the diddies now and, instead of this scatter-gun loan deal approach, start building a team for the future?
  10. Agreed. It seems to be a case of 'please contribute to paying off my loans'.
  11. Aye, that's the burd with dog in front of the gates.
  12. That's a fake - the sun never shines on Dundee (check with Morten Harket).
  13. The latest tweet against it is: They walked right into it.
  14. I think I represented both sect's storm troopers equally. No favouritism on my part. Are you saying there are no religious over- or undertones to The Rangers support?
  15. Nowt 'happens'. I'm always like this - I have this burning desire to see justice done. If I was a left-footer, I suspect I'd be a Jesuit. If I kicked with the other foot, I might be Ian Paisley.
  16. I don't denigrate your team (yet) although they are showing signs of the same entitlement disease as the previous Ibrox incumbents. I just expect some level of acceptance from the Old Rangers fans that they can't have their cake and eat it too. The trophies and the debts go hand in hand - you can't have one without t'other.
  17. T_K. the master of selective quoting. Sometimes you seem like a good bloke, someone worth engaging with. At other times, you're just a loathesome chunt.
  18. I've been happily ploughing that furrow since 2012. It's important work. It's not clear whether you're saying the club or the company went into admin in 2012 (your post above) but surely the same entity then went into liquidation? Assuming so, why are you so prepared to mention the A-word but not the L-word?
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