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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. That is shite, especially considering how often we've been on this season. Surely the big end of season showdown at the Recs will be on the telly?
  2. Minuting meetings can be great if it's one of those blue sky thinking idea spitballing shitfests, and everyone figures you're too busy to contribute Re: dictaphone - take notes anyway, as it's an unbelievable pain in the arse when it turns out the damned thing decided to record an hour of EVP instead
  3. I just about choked to death in the cinema when The Dude gets all James Bond and decides to trace over the notepad page Absolutely glorious film.
  4. This was a triumph. I'm making a note here; huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Do be sure to remind her that she probably turned off someone's life support by using her phone inside the hospital; naughty girl. Give her our best although, going on past posts, some of the regulars will be along to do that in person
  5. I'm still waiting for my gran to take me to Glendarroch. She's been dead for twenty years, so I'm thinking it might not happen now
  6. You could put money on that and, indeed, could've done at the start of the season. Still think Livingston will bite both of us on the arse too.
  7. Maybe his pet heron choked to death on a carrier bag. You don't know.
  8. Bloody women, buggering off to hospital and expecting to be still alive afterwards. She'll be after recuperation time next. Was this an injury picked up while scratching your arse for you?
  9. That was just my poor attempt at a joke. He's actually the biggest man in the world.
  10. I've finally cleared our my inbox from the Christmas break.
  11. Aye, but it'd still be a lonely life, is what I'm saying. Assume you were somebody who wanted companionship from someone you're sexually attracted to. Actually, the whole situation gets more horrible the more you think about it
  12. Forgot about that. It's the bit with the rats that sticks in my memory.
  13. Report him to HR. Nobody should have to suffer sexual harassment these days.
  14. Just goes to show that people from all backgrounds can have these urges, for whatever reason. You have to feel for any moral person who has an attraction to children, as it's not going to be a pleasant life, even if they never cause any harm. The rest need to be kept away from society, in one way or another. Not sure if ideas like this are workable or not, but NIMBY would always be a problem anyway.
  15. Best wishes to him; it's absolute agony. Love the NHS Mine was growing in the wrong place, which left me hanging around the hospital for 24 hours because the pain wasn't coming from where it should with appendicitis. Didn't help that it was Christmas Day and I'd been drinking for a few days beforehand; they thought I had alcohol poisoning and would be fine when I dried out. Eventually it burst and they had to do exploratory surgery because I was gradually filling up with poison I've got a nice long scar along the side of my gut that's "almost as big as my cock", as a mate said at the time
  16. Very, very simple fix if you've got a soldering iron about the place. Even I could do it, and I'm probably the worst solderer in the universe, despite being a trained electronics tech.
  17. Not again; these puns shrove me to madness last time.
  18. I doubt you're the only one! He'll probably just consider it a positive opportunity for career advancement through technological interface with potential client base. Or something.
  19. I hate to point this out, but censoring the guy's name is pointless when you can just google a phrase from his "mission statement" and see his profile on LinkedIn; the handsome devil Would be amusing if this turns out to be a generic boilerplate that they all use on their CVs
  20. Yeah, seems to be one of the top ways they're caught. If only they were all so dumb.
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