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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Will this be the first mention of P&B in a court case, I wonder?
  2. Shoudl've kept her as a friend; they have some cracking stories. Remember, they won't do anything to your foreskin unless you pay them.
  3. I've only ever had two wet dreams; thought I was weird, as you always hear about that being a common thing with adolescents. I assume it's because I was a furious w****r at that age, and now I'm a dried-up old prune. (and a different kind of furious w****r) edit: also, pics or GTF, as ever.
  4. More a matter of, "I fancied a bit of that sweet newspaper cash, so I made up a story", surely. He could replace the soporific Miranda on the telly - could not possibly be any worse to watch.
  5. Clicked, then realised it's a ploy to establish a BEAST list for the big New Year cull. Well played, Agent Zen.
  6. The wean's school starting back on Friday, the 2nd of January. Just in time for the weekend. I'm guessing his class will have an attendance of 6, max.
  7. We have a new dish rack, and the cutlery container has open sides. OPEN. FUCKING. SIDES. Perfect for folk who like to keep their clean knives and forks on the floor.
  8. Similarly, swimming shorts that collect water, so that they end up at your ankles when you emerge from the pool. Also, middle-aged lassies who pretend they didn't want a look at BigFatTabbyArse
  9. “We just want somewhere where we can talk about beards and other people’s beards.” Just...why?
  10. Unless the Star Wars universe takes place on the sub-atomic level? Will make for a cracking zoom-out reveal at the end of Episode 9.
  11. On the one hand, On the other, it's not like it produces penis-shaped Play-Doh. The weans using it aren't going to have a fucking clue, and if anything's "ruined Christmas" it'll have been the crazy moo running around confiscating presents because they remind her of her own toys. Sakes.
  12. Banned P&B poster IMO. Clearly she's seen the cash dredged in by American hateresses like Ann Coulter and fancied a slice of the pie herself. Whether she's serious or not is beside the point; there are enough people who like what they say for them to earn a living, which is far more worrying.
  13. I'm guessing you'll get the thing she rarely does, but not the thing she never does. Best of luck though, we'll have our fingers crossed for you!
  14. Black Tiger - classic platformer from the days of yore. Still holds up pretty well. Pit-Fighter - still a good laugh on MAME. Never been big on fighting games, but this one's satisfying in an '80s bad movie way. Football Manager 2013 - haven't bought the more recent ones because I realised that I ended up not playing most of them. Usually takes a couple of years to get bored of my pet saved game. Fallout: New Vegas - it's taken years, but I think I've finally explored the shit out of Fallout 3. Time to try this modern whippersnapper out
  15. This is what happens when you bring in SHODAN to administer your databases.
  16. I presume nobody's mentioned the least-sexy scene in movie history because they've blocked it from their collective memories. You're welcome
  17. Who was watching Leprechaun recently? Thanks, I guess, because it encouraged me to give it a go. Didn't think much of it; Jennifer Aniston must have got the Friends job on the back of this as she's literally being Rachel Green, albeit with a slightly different nose. So, just pre-Friends Rachel Green, for those familiar with the show Warwick Davis presumably got the job due to being the go-to little person for these things, as he doesn't even bother trying for an Irish accent for the most part...or perhaps couldn't bring himself to do it. Very poor, and peculiarly bland stuff. Even Rumpelstiltskin (which was obviously inspired by this) is a better film, and that wasn't much cop either. The Taking of Deborah Logan - found-footage film about documentary makers recording the day-to-day life of a woman suffering from dementia. As time goes on, it starts to seem as though her illness is bringing up some grim memories from her past, and is possibly inspired by the supernatural. Decent film, and makes a good job of keeping you interested in the mystery. Also provides some unsettling moments, including a REC-style night vision headscratcher towards the end. Essential viewing for fans of the genre, and worthwhile for horror fans in general. Thanks to NewDomDom for the recommendation!
  18. Still haven't seen that film. There's always something that stops me seeing it for some reason; last time was when the copy I bought from Cash Converters turned out to be scratched all to buggery So jealous, I'm almost seething. The wife and I had them for a few years, and they got seriously abused at the weekends. Us having the wean, combined with her disabilities and our lack of a car, has meant that we see the cinema once or twice a year now. Seriously hope the GF appreciates you, is all I can say. She's just a status figure; he doesn't really like her or anything. She's the beautiful American trophy, and the 'property' of his boss too, so 'owning' her just another bit of bling for his cabinet. He's more into his sister TBH, and that's just because he knows he can't have her. A man who genuinely has no concept of love.
  19. Ah, so a slight case of the Sizemores, then. Fair enough. He'll be fine once Jack Nicholson finally carks it and he gets that inevitable biopic Oscar.
  20. Not her real name; I'm sure she's lovely. Interesting choice for a first husband, though. Do you suppose he has a nice big cock?
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