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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Long, long way to go before a ball will be kicked next season. Potential of plenty of twists and turns to come yet!!
  2. See someone has posted on WAT that Scott McLean has suffered a stroke and is in the Glasgow Royal. Jeez he is only 43. If he had kept injury free, I reckon he would have became a Jags legend but 38 goals in 80 appearances speaks for itself. . Let’s hope Trigger makes a full and speedy recovery.
  3. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5552452/bbc-chris-mclaughlin-senior-club-scotland-administration/
  4. SPFL have decided to restarrt the season but behind closed doors !
  5. Wont work at Ibrox as they already do this in a lot of cases and their ground is packed most weeks!
  6. and as I said yesterday, some of the usual gloaters on here, revelling in our situation, might be smiling on the other side of their face in as little as 4/6 months!!
  7. I think today’s Scottish Government statement shoots this out the water but was thinking this yesterday when reading an article from the Aberdeen chairman where he was extremely confident the season would be finished on the pitch. If the SPFL top league could/can be completed I dont think the SPFL would have a leg to stand on regarding finishing the lower leagues early and relegating clubs and refusing play off places!
  8. Yip, while I am not quite at the “stay in the house for the next year” age, Thistle have a lot of older supporters which is a worry. Still if the 1/6th restrictions kick in, it shouldn’t affect us too much as our capacity is around 12,000 and at the latter end we were hovering between 2,000-2,500 home support. How teams like Hibs, Hearts and Aberdeen are going to survive on around 3,000 crowds is anyone’s guess!
  9. Exactly and some of the usual gloaters about what has happened might be on the receiving end themselves, before the end of the year. I reckon every club, probably barring Celtic, will be under threat if football resumes behind closed doors until 2021 and even if they lift the restrictions it appears that you would only be allowed 1/6th of your capacity in the ground. Every club is under serious threat until a successful vaccine is found!
  10. Not an easy decision but it’s my decision. Doesn’t stop any other jags fan following the club to away games!
  11. I think we have been told withdraw the legal threat and you will be ok, but who would ever trust these cnuts over anything!!
  12. Nope! I miss around three away games a season at most. Everything goes to Firhill now except the clubs I mentioned!
  13. Every penny of my “football money” will be spent at my club from today onwards unless a favourable reconstruction comes through. Joined Centenary Draw last week, will get a season ticket tomorrow (haven’t had one since the 80s) No more away games for me. Might be detrimental to the support of the players at away games but afraid I cannot give my money to certain teams. Exceptions are ICT, East Fife and all other NO voters.
  14. Poor statement from the club unless they know something we don’t. I don’t think for a minute that whatever Budge throws at SPFL will get an 11/1 majority but don’t be surprised if somehow Hearts are still in the top league next season. It’s a total disgrace what’s happened here.
  15. Nice touch at the end! http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2020/04/15/ian-murray-mp-launches-stinging-attack-on-farcical-spfl-as-hearts-stare-down-the-barrel-of-relegation/
  16. Utter pish. If we had played the same amount of games I would have accepted it but the fact is that we have a game in hand over QOTS and if we win it we wouldn’t be bottom. Hope we don’t roll over and accept this, but likelihood is that we will and let face it, there are more important things to bother with at the moment!
  17. Well not at Ibrox, Parkhead, Tynecastle and to a lesser extent Easter Road and Pittodrie!
  18. I think what is implying is that once the lockdown is eased, when and if the infections start reducing, there is no way any of the clubs are going to have packed stadiums for a very, very long time!
  19. 25,000 max at Ibrox, 30,000 at Parkhead?..... won’t affect many clubs but it will deffo affect clubs like Sevco, Celtic, Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5460945/celtic-rangers-news-old-firm-half-empty-grounds/
  20. According to the Jagzone interviews yesterday, the pitch was heavy but playable. Since then it’s been non stop rain and gales and that is expected all the way through till kick off time. Will be amazed if it’s on!
  21. It’s Thistle we are talking about here! We have paid fee’s for Rudden, Brownlie, Graham and Lyons so who knows! A massive 12 games left this season and all we can hope for is a play off place at best and then take our chances against the likes of Raith or Falkirk which, after last nights performance, fills me with no confidence whatsoever!
  22. We needed new signings that were ready to hit the ground running in January and what have we got Rudden, injured McKinnon, injured/unfit Mayo, injured Lyons, signed and we seemly paid a pretty good fee for, loaned straight back out to Montrose, where he is banging in goals!! Also, he is 23 and not a young kid where loaning him out could have been accepted One wonders if guys like Graham and Rudden have get out clauses if we drop into the 3rd tier and if not, how we are going to pay them the wages they are on at present. Worrying times!!
  23. Have been waiting for McCalls JZ interview however Archie wheeled out, “as the gaffer was feeling unwell after the game“. Yip just like all us fans tonight!!!
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