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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. The Star exclusively reporting that Paul McGinn subject of a pre contract bid from St Mirren
  2. Ahhh. I'm Rogered.....lol. While we are at it and I say this with the knowledge that we are still in massive trouble but wherz Leefy???
  3. Sure Bennett will be the first to volunteer. He loves a good donation....lol
  4. Oh the irony. The club is only 6 years old and it has been the laughing stock of the country for every minute of its existence. No wonder Ken Dodd used to wave a red, white and blue tickling stick. Diddy men right enough....lol
  5. Having left work at 1.30pm yesterday to go up and witness that, must rank with one of the worst decisions I have ever made. That display stank of the manager having lost the dressing room. Not making any excuses for Archie, I think he has ran his course at the club, but the players need to have a long hard look at themselves. They were a disgrace. Connor Sammon is the only one that showed any effort. As for Scully, just why is he still at the club? He was to blame for the first two goals. He went down in instalments for the first goal and the second was a joke. We won't change manager now, unless of course he chucks it. We need a clear out of players at the end of the season and a new management team. Calls for Craigan and Neilson are good shouts. Would take either of them.
  6. Unless he walks of his own accord, I would say the chances of that happening are zilch. We are not a sacking club so we won't ditch a manager with 6 games left. Pretty sure if we do go down the board will be happy to give him to December to see if he can make amends. If we are struggling he will be gone!
  7. Fed up listening to the players saying on Jagzone that they know what's at stake. It's time for them to keep their traps shut and get on that pitch tomorrow night and put it into practice. I think we played pretty well on Saturday and we were looking comfortable up until the controversy at the 70th minute. Have always had my worries about Scully but if Tomas is out we need him to perform tomorrow. The time for bullshitting is over, we need every player turning up tomorrow!
  8. There is still plenty to play for. I am certain the three at the bottom will now be fighting it out. Remaining fixtures Dundee (28pts)....Hearts (h) Celtic (a) Sevco (a) Thistle (25pts)....Hibs (a) Ross Co (a) Killie (h) Ross Co (22pts)...Celtic (a) Thistle (h) Hibs (h) Despite Sevco's poor form I can only see Dundee getting something against Hearts, think our only chance of points is v County and likewise I think County's only chance of points is against us. If Dundee win the next game they will likely open up a gap that will be hard to close down as I cant see us or County getting anything in our next game. If Hearts beat Dundee it's gonna be a three way battle all the way to the last game of the season.
  9. Might be totally wrong in this but did the Weirs not want Jacqui Low on the board as their representative?
  10. Agreed, it's a long way ahead but I can see our right backs being Christie and McGinn next season.
  11. Pretty sure Archie said at Christmas that he was going to London to see another specialist as he was still getting pain from his leg, but he had been told they can't find anything wrong. Love Banzo but sadly it's time to cut both him and Fraser loose. Between them the have have hardly kicked a ball in around 5 seasons worth of football. (2 seasons for Banzo and 3 for Fraser) Hope I am wrong but I fear Banzo will never recapture his form of previous seasons when he was fully fit.
  12. Was told at the game last week that Barton is unhappy and wants a move back down south and Archie ain't best pleased. Whether it's true or not, who knows, but it's inexplicable to me anyway, that if Archie is playing three central defenders that Barton isn't one of them. I think Keown has been poor this season, but his best games this season (and there hasn't been very many!) have been when Barton is playing beside him.
  13. Totally agree re Andy McCarthy. I find it astonishing that he is picked for most of the Celtic games but no other ones. Can't fathom that out. He would have been the ideal person to bring on against Dundee when it was clear Osman and Woods were running on empty. As for Barton, I will be surprised if he is here next season. It's clear he is too slow for a midfield position in this league, but just why he isn't playing in central defence is a total mystery to me. Wouldn't think he is gonna be happy sitting on the bench!
  14. Agreed, hence why I said next week was no longer a no lose game, but a must win game and the game at Ross has got to be a minimum no lose one. We are in massive trouble if we don't win a minimum of one of these games. The Hamilton game next week could easily be our biggest and most important game since we came back up. The thought of hoping for a Sevco and Celtic double today gives me the boak, but for once I will shouting for both of them to give a tanking to their opponents!
  15. I now think we might end up in the play off's. A no lose scenario is no longer an option next week. We have got to beat Hamilton with the 5 game run we have after that. Ross Co have taken 4 points off Dundee and Hearts in their last two games and are beginning to turn the corner as usual at this time of the season. We need 4-6 points in the next two games as I don't see us getting many in the other 4 games. I think it's between the bottom 3 now unless St Johnstone do a Hibs and continue in total freefall.
  16. Try telling that to our team, supporters, management. If it hadn't been for a fantastic tackle by Tierney on Ryan Edwards in the last minute on Saturday we would still be in the cup
  17. Nope. Today's interviews were shocking. I have no idea what any of the questions were that he asked!
  18. Dear God are you having a laugh. Have you been living underground for the last 6 years!
  19. Indeed. I was certainly Meh about the signing, but the big fella has been a revelation since he got a run in the side.
  20. Don't know the guy, so can't comment. Not sure what use secured is if a team goes into admin or liquidation and let's face it Kingy won't be reaching into his back pocket
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