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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Oh dear.....stinks a bit like 2012 when the denial stories came out from Ibrokes...lol
  2. Of course, that will be the Phil that predicted months prior to the 2012 admin event that it was happening and as usual the Klan turned a blind eye to it....lol
  3. Nope, don't be silly..........it would be your clubs first admin event!
  4. True or not, Sevco fans burying their head in the sand a la 2012 and totally oblivious to the finanancial state their new club is in.
  5. Fingers crossed firmly....lol. Sevs staying it's a load of rubbish as they are signing players. Sadly they are not, they are getting players on loan that will go straight back to their clubs if they go tits up and who can ever forget what followed after they tried to resign Cousin in 2012....lol. Just make it happen, please. What a way to start 2018 if it's true!
  6. Totally different player so you can't compare. Would keep McLaughlin before Nisbet
  7. Can't believe no one has mentioned keeping Neil McLaughlin. Has a bit to go yet, but have seen him loads of times in the Dev team and that boy knows where the net is!
  8. Archie said on his pre match interview on Jagzone that all the players know that they are fighting for their jobs. Well if that was the response yesterday, it's clear that most of them don't want to be at Firhill next season
  9. Looks like he has went from no one wanting him to a gig with us and ITV! https://tellymix.co.uk/reality-tv/dancing-on-ice/337083-itv-confirms-jason-gardiner-will-back-judge-dancing-ice-2018.html
  10. Is that not that guy Jason Gardner from Dancing on Ice....lol
  11. As stated, surprised he hasn't got a club and he could deffo do a job for us till the end of the season. If we start getting some players fit by the end of the year I really don't think we need to do much, if any, business in January, but we badly need a left back! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Harris_(footballer)
  12. Exactly. I have no idea who can fill that slot until either Booth is fit or Penrice returns. Turnbull is certainly not the answer. It's a massive problem for the manager.
  13. He apparently said on Jagzone yesterday that he is going in for a clean up op on his knee next week as he is still getting some pain and he has known since pre season that it's still not right. He expects to be out for 4/6 weeks though when 4 weeks is mentioned at Firhill it usually means 4 weeks, then another 4 weeks then another etc, etc. He gets a lot of stick at times but the one I want to know when he is coming back is Callum Booth. We are a mess at left back and the sooner he is back bombing up that left hand side the better!
  14. We'll not really as he was out for around 18 months so if you discount that his average goes up substantially. Let's face it, when he was fit he was rarely on the bench, he was in the first team and usually as captain. My point in this is that he was a scapegoat for a lot of fans, just as murmurings about Osman are pointing the same way, but sometimes you only realise the job these guys do when they are unfit or leave. Hope I am wrong but I just can't see Gary Fraser in a first team jersey again and God knows what's going on with Banzo.
  15. In his 5 years at the club he played 110 games. That to me is averaging 22 games a season . He was out for around 18 months on top of that. The point is that whenever he was fit, Sean Welsh was one of the first names on the team sheet and also captain for a fair bit of that spell as well. Edwards, Barton, Bannigan/Osman midfield or Welsh, Osman Bannigan midfield. I know what I would prefer.
  16. The argument surely is why give Gary Fraser another contract after two years out (and still out) yet release Welsh who despite missing the latter part of the season was playing regularly every week. Welsh is one of these guys like Osman, that you only appreciate what they bring to the team when they are not in it. We have done exactly this (contract extension) with Banzo, he comes back into the reckoning at the start of the season, but now has disappeared of the face of the earth, despite Archie telling us that there are no injuries except the long term ones. It's baffling!
  17. As quoted by James Doleman DK , "I can't comply with the regulations because I'm skint" The Klan are not gonna be happy with that!
  18. Well that's certainly going to be the case if a club like Aberdeen, who were clearly major victims in the cheating years, are just gonna have their belly tickled and quote that it's time to move on. Astonishing statement from the chairman given his teams fans hatred of the involved club!
  19. Have never understood why all assets including the ground and training ground weren't sold at the correct market price and the proceeds distributed to those owed money. In reality Ibrokes should be a Tesco or Asda by now!
  20. No matter what you think of the guy and some of his articles, this one hits the spot.....especially the final analysis!! https://johnjamessite.com/2017/07/09/the-asterisk-years/#comments
  21. Glib making it clear it awe Celtics fault....lol. Honestly I think this guy needs medical help. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/1255012/rangers-dave-king-celtic-big-tax-case/
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