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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Unlikely to happen but I would be tempted to sound Hearts out about getting The Fish on a deal before the window closes, though wages might be a stumbling block. He has at last solved a problem we have always had up front. A big, pacy striker that can hold the ball up, good in the air and scores goals. Sign the Fish!
  2. If this below (taken from JJ site this morning) is true, your chairman and board are obviously not the full shilling. How can anyone believe a word that comes out GLIBs mouth. I am now tempted to seek a price for a Sevco admin/liquidation event at some point between now and the end of the season....lol However here’s the real kicker. Hamilton were concerned that Lite would go under prior to August. King gave his personal guarantee that Hamilton will get paid irrespective of any insolvency event. Given that King is a career criminal who will soon be in contempt of court and subject to a Cold Shoulder, what could possibly go wrong? What part of King being a Glib & Shameless Liar do Hamilton Academicals not understand?
  3. How do you work that out? 27 appearances in 15-16 and 42 appearances last season
  4. It's all a bit strange but BT Sport have shoved this up 30 minutes ago. Looks like Turnbull had a lot of influence in the move(if it happens) http://sport.bt.com/football/baily-cargill-a-good-friend-turn-ed-my-head-towards-thistle-switch-S11364245300180
  5. Apparently it was a bandage covering stitches from a head injury!!
  6. Just like thousands and thousands of Pie & Bovril punters will recall in 30/40 years time, where they were in 2012 when the infamous, cheating Glasgow Rangers died...lol
  7. I think we are well covered everywhere, except central defence, that's if the long term crocks are fully fit and ready to hit the ground running and that is a big if. It's a pity about Turnbull as the defence was beginning to look pretty solid again, especially at Firhill. Be happy if our only business in this window is a half decent centre back though there is always the possibility that Penrice might get a run at centre back, at least until Danny is over his suspension.
  8. Should read........STV Ramon Rangers bid for Kilmarnocks's Jordan Jones is £0 upfront and the rest when season ticket money comes in....lol
  9. Listen I can understand your anger. You go from Rangers and signing top notch internationals (that you cheated to acquire and clearly couldn't afford) to becoming Sevco and foaming at the mouth and wetting your knickers about signing a Hamilton Accies midfielder. Sometimes reality is so hard to accept!
  10. Can you gives us that in the Queens English.....shouldn't be too difficult!
  11. Yip, but the only fans that can't accept that fact are Sevconians. Wander into any of their cesspit, sectarian, bigoted sites and all you see is fantasy island signing targets. Must be a boot in the nuts for most of them to have Greg Docherty as their main January target......especially as he plays for one of the so called Scottish diddy sides....lol
  12. Ah the selective Sevco memories again. How far did they travel to get thrashed by the 4th best team in Luxembourg....lol
  13. How the mighty have fallen. The old club signed Gascoigne, Klos, Laudrup, Butcher, Stevens etc, etc, now they are wetting their knickers over Greg Docherty from (in their own words) diddy Hamilton Accies. Given that Accies were victims of a near £1,000,000 hit recently and Dochery is contracted until 2020, I can't see them waiting until the season money comes in, to let one of their better players go
  14. More likely to be a bill for £429 from a South Side Chinese takeaway that the club are unable to pay....lol
  15. It's gonna be a difficult balancing act for Archie and the board re new faces. If all our crocks come back (and yes, it's a big if) the competition for places is going to be fierce all over the place. It could be that it might be just the one in and that will be a replacement for Turnbull. A lot might depend on Osmans, Bannigans and Frasers ability to hit the ground running at the end of this month as to whether we consider another midfielder.
  16. You obviously missed the changing of Admin 2 to Admin 1 as well, but no surprise there sweetie! Selective reading as usual from a Sevconian. You keep your head buried under the blankets....lol
  17. Did you give any donations to help your original club from folding? Thought not....lol
  18. https://mobile.twitter.com/JHFootballAgent/status/951124585046593538?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  19. He is saying similar things that he was saying months before Rangers fell into administration in 2012 and as usual the Ibrox gullibillies are rubbushing it....lol
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