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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. £451K in other charges have surely got to be severance payments "Joey Barton" or legal fees and possibly repayment of loans. But then again not much to go by. £69K? maybe they offloaded Edminston House or some other land asset they acquired during Green's tenure? One thing is for fucking sure here, the board have definitely hidden monies by just putting them into one basket and call it a loss of some sort without needing to go into any detail. Operating expenses? up by over £5 million? Looks like the players wage budget went up by more than a few million or more. This is why the lying King got the club/company de-listed from the stock exchange, so he could hide any dirty going ons behind an unaudited set of accounts. For all we know he has deliberately omitted and delayed any other debt so that it didn't feature in this set of accounts but will appear sometime later this year when the new season has already begun and ST's have already been sold and allocated to pay off any lies no one knows about, YET. Personally!, I definitely smell some nifty financial manipulation and creative accounting to paint things in a far better light than the darkness they hide. I may be proven right.
  2. Sorry to state otherwise Joey, but at least I had a full set of accounts to nit pick at full of glorious details otherwise omitted from the latest set of unaudited ones. Wonderful smoke and mirrors at work imo.
  3. Aw bless, you put in a mention for me. How the feck do you expect me to make an expert analysis with such little detail to go by? All I can say is?, I smell shite and bullshit shite at that, I'm assuming these figures have been financially massaged to the point they will say whatever the board want it to say. Even if a loss is exposed they still call it a profit FFS!
  4. Sorry G_Man, I thought you'd get it because it was named in the gif I posted. "PINPOINT" but retro. Goes by a few other terms but that's according to the region and country it was sold in.
  5. If that was a serious question then yes, but only if your water supply is not soft water like most of Scotland's water supply. Calgon is to break down lime-scale deposits from hard water like most water supplies down south where it has chalk/lime molecules in the solution. If Calgon is used regularly in chalky water supplies it helps stop lime-scale build up which does build up if your water supply is chalky. The real question I would actually ask?, why the fucking hell are people in Scotland actually buying Calgon for their washing machines when there is no lime/chalk in our water supplies? Fucking minters.
  6. First impressions, the fact that you took the interview so seriously to travel to the interview speaks volumes on it's own! And secondly, I'd have possibly tried to get a slightly later time for the interview by using the time and length of the journey as a valid reason to do so. Always nice to get a much sleep before that important interview.
  7. Obviously wanted a fly bit of chocolate hoping no one noticed. I buy myself treats and store them aside and buy the others their own treats but they always want the shit I bought for some reason? Even though they say they don't like it much? WTF
  8. Telling the whole family that the last of whatever it is you are keeping for a midnight snack later was taken when you go to have it. Thought I had found a solution and hid the second last one and they still sniffed the damn thing out??? People who decide to try a bit of your meal while you are eating in public!, no fucking manners at all. If they wanted a bit I'd gladly throw it at them.
  9. OK, hands up guys? I fucked that post. Well spotted Benny, always best to recheck before posting ffs.
  10. My mum and the neighbours ran a break dancing club at my old primary. Always had a good turnout basically because there was loud hip hop music to be heard and more importantly?, the use of some gym mats to put under the piece of lino you took around the neighbourhood along with your battery chewing ghetto-blaster. Kuriaki windmills were all the rage to master, so it was great to have that extra padding when the knees banged into the floor trying them.
  11. I do, just pointing out Bennett's stupidity first by a couple of hundred years or so.
  12. If you can find any fucking reference at all relating to modern football and the battle of the Boyne, then please do share it with the group. Note!. being a protesting Catholic does not count and neither does the colour orange.
  13. The BRALT thread has also shrunk by tens of thousands of pages recently, funnily enough after Stan and Tedi got ejected. there's at least a thousands less pages of eye raping imo.
  14. 80's rappers sporting car badges as medallions?
  15. I'm sure most of the other fans were posting more or less the same stuff at the time F_B. Credit to the Rangers fans for sticking it out through the lower leagues though. Now we will find out if they have the same resolve should they field an average team with an average manager, I just don't see any major investment in the club in the near future as things stand.
  16. I seriously thought at this point the club would have started to turn a profit, not a big one but enough to show that the club had gotten a grip of it's finances progressing forward. It had the chance back in December 1012 to put aside millions to invest at a future date when applicable, it didn't and imo gave into the fans and spent like it was still in the top tier with the players they were signing. £500K extra each season until they reached the top tier with a manager who was only there until promotion to the top flight would have been prudent. But the fans lapped it up bragging or thinking they were buying the best players from the top flight and money was never going to be a problem on the journey to the promised land. Kings opening gambit in the top flight has backfired, he gambled and it didn't pay off with the staff the club had employed and has cost the club money they surely need for next season and will surely be deducted from next seasons ST's further depleting the kitty.
  17. Well spotted mjw. I didn't hear the mask slip until now.
  18. It's the group stages they need to be aiming for and nothing less. Aberdeen made some money from the last few European campaigns but it wasn't a lot but was good enough to help Aberdeen invest a bit more in the squad. The level of investment some Rangers fans are wanting is tantamount to qualifying through the group stages to the knock out phase just to recover what they spent to get there. So it's not a win win situation by any means.
  19. Jaffa cakes are still no bad with the orangey bit in the middle, although you may need to ask Romeo where to buy the snack packs at 60p though.
  20. Joggies were a viable answer to my problem until I needed to go for a slash and then that's were it all came undone? Fucking nightmare trying to undo the lacing that had become knotted somehow in the process and trying too undo the knot before the flood arrived was unbelievable.
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