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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. ................. ....................... Ahhh. That's better.
  2. If you hadn't attributed this, The_Diddy would have accused you of writing diddy plastic doggerel.
  3. Does anyone on here know if a 'time-line' of events at Mordor exists? I tried searching the BRALT but gave up as it's monstrous. I'm just looking for the dates when something actually happened, like today for instance. There seemed to be a lot of things happened around times like Valentines, Christmas, Easter etc. but maybe my memory is playing tricks.
  4. I'd just like to 'fess up here. I bought shares when they plunged in value and was smart enough to sell before suspension .I made a modest profit, enough for a few nights down the pub. Thanks to all the gullibles who made this possible.
  5. Does anyone believe this bullshit? I certainly don't. A listing on Gumtree was mentioned earlier. I liked that. Not even big enough for Ebay.
  6. Derailment in progress. Just ignore the Diddy unless he posts something sensible..............wait, just ignore the Diddy.
  7. I just visited "dothebouncy" for a laugh. I didn't last long. It really is a closed shop. Thank goodness for P&B. eta Just had a look on there, all my posts have been deleted. History being re-written. Actually makes me wonder if the old Rangers really did win all their supposed trophies or has history been changed to suit? Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway) I have been tarred with the f*nian, rhabid tim brush. They really cannot accept that they are disliked by many others too. fûck'em. I hope the new club dies.
  8. One away win and the triumphalism begins. Newco Diddies, what are they like?
  9. Nah, too tenuous. He just fkd it up. Unless he's playing the tabloid game of using shitey puns for every headline and sub-headline. Surely not in the Torygraph?
  10. From the Daily Telegraph "foot" the bill, surely? The quality of the sports hacks is poor. Then again, they are the mugs paying wages of non-players, so they do indeed "fit the bill". ie to be suitable for a particular purpose
  11. Just to remind us all that this, allied to tactical ineptitude, meant that McCoist squandered any chance The New Rangers had of being successful.
  12. shull, I think this is your domain. Now, has the King managed to get a Nomad who has said "OK, you get clearance and we'll do it" and it's now a race against time? Courts don't usually act swiftly, we'll see. edit for apostrophes..................nah, say no more.
  13. At least we know Hearts won't 'lie down' but it must be hard to go through a season under this sort of pressure and not have an 'off day'.
  14. "I've dedicated my life to watching Rangers when they were good, now that they're shite I wont bother." Fanny delparlane likes this
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