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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. So I stood in a bush and shouted at the ****, which was the style at the time.
  2. Are rangers happy with the progres you've made under Pedro?
  3. Someone, I imagine McSpreader is saying this shows clear Labour bias. What the f**k? Shut the internet down please China. We're done here.
  4. The Record was wrong about McKay and the rest of the shite but they are right about they Mexican guys. Complete ballers.
  5. Taco Bell is going to open a shop in Glasgow. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/15385150.Taco_Bell_set_to_open_first_Scottish_branch_in_Glasgow/ Taco Bell is fucking minging. The fat neds will love it.
  6. Cool. Personally I think losing access to the common market and allowing Tories to rewrite the EU laws like workers rights is horrific sounding. But you got to do what you got to do.
  7. The British public don't like experts with their facts and figures. Writing on buses, now that's where the truth is.
  8. She's maybe just mixed up. She shouldn't be in trouble with the police for wearing a tshirt. It's not North Korea.
  9. Fat, ugly, poor people getting out for a wee walk to see the delights of High Street. Bless.
  10. Apart from causing a scene the Smithsonian is pretty interesting though?
  11. I had to kill chickens when I was a nipper cause my mum didn't like to. All we had was a small BB gun which didn't kill the chicken quickly unless you could catch them and fire straight into the head. The easiest way was to fire 5 or 6 rounds as quickly as possible into them. You then had to then pluck the feathers. Horrible. Why didn't we just go to KFC?
  12. He wants to see the accounts of a club backed by a real millionaire.
  13. As much as he is a complete roaster I still find it tough to understand why people in the UK are more willing to be vocal against Trump visiting than May using public funds to form a government to go for a hard Brexit. Personally I would much rather have a term of Trump and his fake news Tweets than the full on boabying effects of a hard Brexit but each to their own. You got to do what you got to do.
  14. I'm not sure the beaners can read that. It's like it's not even out there for them.
  15. I call bullshit on that. Since when has May cared about the will of the people?
  16. Imagine celebrating and singing a song about people dying. Utter sociopaths. I would imagine only the likes of ISIS members would do that.
  17. Finally someone is willing to speak out about the full brutality of Brexit.
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