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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Pedro knows the team is shite so he's tapping into the **** deep hatred of Catholics to buy himself some extra time. Decent tactic. The **** will lap it up.
  2. Picking your nose and flicking it against the wall is horrid behavior. At least feed your snotters to the dog like I do.
  3. The most hated man in Eastern Kentucky - the progressive liberal.
  4. Great news about Keown. I was starting to think we'd miss out on him.
  5. $15000 sounds like they are almost footing the insurance bill completely. Is she a contractor or something? I pay about $1000 a year for my healthcare through work and the coverage is good. I can see a doctor the same day and I get good treatment. But if you fall into that crack of earning too much to qualify for ObamaCare and your company provides terrible benefits then you will get shat on with unbelievably high premiums. I wouldn't pay that personally. It's about $130 to see a GP without insurance here in CA.
  6. I thought YankMike was now that thekorean poster who has appeared. As much as people don't like Trump, Mitch McConnell makes him look like Mother Theresa. Imagine hating Obama so much that you are willing to spend millions of dollars and allow people to die just to back out his ideas.
  7. So by ex-armed forces do you mean you're now a civilian?
  8. Good pics m8. You had decent seats. The view of the pitch from the seats at the pitchers mound doesn't look great. What's happening with the new stadium?
  9. All those things are just her being a woman. Does she at least have big chebs?
  10. My ex used to pull the plug out of everything once she was done with it in order to save money on electricity yet she would leave the lights on all day when she went to work. The toaster, microwave and kettle was one thing but it was a total pain in the arse having to crawl behind the TV every single day to plug the fucker in. The Virgin Media box took ages to start up as well.
  11. Drinking it through a straw is a weird Polish thing.
  12. It's usually just after I've had a shower so I'd be naked, squatted with my unrestricted balls swinging to the thrust of every plunge. I don't know if that helps at all.
  13. I saw this on LinkedIn. 100% did not happen.
  14. The football CV equivalent of working at Asda. He never reached the elite level of playing in the England, Germany or Spain.
  15. Bosses are good and workers are good. You'd get run out of here quickly if you were a c**t. No one would take your shite.
  16. I think they just revoked his authority to start a war.
  17. I forgot about this. It's a kitchen appliance which comes in all different styles and sizes. You can also see them in certain shops.
  18. I paid $40 for San Jose v LA this Saturday but the cheapest ticket is only $22 which is pretty good for such a big game.
  19. What about the **** trying to gloss over the fact the guy has done nothing at the top club level by bringing up meaningless national caps against shite like Faroe Islands.
  20. Being talked over is rage inducing. Totally disrespectful.
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