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Everything posted by houston_bud

  1. It was par for the course for our away form. We've got Henderson who's a winger, I'd like to see more of him as he's a good player. The system we play has wing backs, we maybe need to look at that away from home. I don't think the system was the reason we lost though, we conceded goals because we didn't stop crosses and weren't tight enough to our men. Gallagher has been a great signing, he wasn't the worst yesterday but he looked like he wasn't 100%.
  2. Ross County thoroughly deserved their win but they weren't great. All three of their goals were preventable. It baffles me how we can go from pretty solid at home to shipping 3 and 4 goals every away game. Ross County had scored 7 goals before yesterday.
  3. No complaints at the result, Ross County were the better side. We were lucky to go in leading at half time. Ironically I thought the first 10 mins of the second half was our most comfortable spell. Two really cheap goals given away and that was that.
  4. Presumably John Hartson will be saying that Livingston were against both Celtic and VAR today.
  5. The ball is hit at him from a few yards and it seemed as if he was trying to pull his arm out the way. I think it was a penalty but I can see why folk might question it. There's always going to be a debate around handballs I suppose.
  6. We might as well have stayed in the dressing room at half time. Fair play to Hibs, miles better. As good as we've been at home, we've been rotten away. I can't really think of a reason why either. We don't appear to approach games any differently. Individual errors cost us at least one goal today. The second goal, Ayunga just runs into the Hibs defender and gives the ball away, Shaugnessy gets sucked into the ball, then Gogic should just put it out the park but gets easily brushed aside. We never tested Marshall at all in the second half. He looked a bit shaky from cross balls and we didn't put enough pressure on him.
  7. I reckon the penalty is one that is given more often than not but Tait is unlucky, the ball is hit from a few yards and he's trying to turn his back. It's been a decent game, Hibs probably just shaded it but both teams have had chances. Hibs offside goal looked very tight.
  8. Makes me a wee bit sad to see Shaughnessy well out of things. He's been a big player for us and we really needed him the past few seasons. He also comes across as a really good guy. But it's football, defensively we have been very good this season. Can't really criticise the fact that he's out the team.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Same goes for the offsides, freeze frames and drawing lines are a nonsense. Watch it again a couple of times, if it's clearly and obviously offside then change the decision. I do think, if the referee is called over to review something (possibly by a more experienced official) then they'll likely feel under pressure to overturn it.
  10. Fletcher looks ridiculous. He can't be too far off 40. I suppose if you're going to spend all that money on a hair transplant you might as well make it worthwhile, even if it makes you look like a plonker.
  11. That should've been a doing. I hope a European spot doesn't come down to goal difference.
  12. How far back does a check go? That decision seems ridiculous, even if it was a foul - and I'm not convinced it was.
  13. Been a decent game so far. Think we're worth our lead and should maybe be a bit more comfortable. Dundee United haven't really created anything clear cut but I feel they've been dangerous.
  14. Two weeks into the season I'd have been happy enough for Robinson to move on somewhere. Now I think it'd be a disaster. It would be a great move for him and I certainly wouldn't begrudge him it, but it would be nice to have bit of stability for a few seasons at least.
  15. Is anyone else annoyed that the keepers aren't right in the middle on the home kit photo?
  16. Craig Samson was called into a squad back around 2013. Aitken was the last to be capped whilst at St Mirren I'm sure. Edit: Just noticed you said outfield player, so we can all ignore my post!
  17. Michael Stewart claiming Ayunga was 'clearly offside'. Look where the BBC have drawn the line. VAR is going to be some laugh.
  18. You'd be forgiven for thinking that the SNP are the biggest Royalists in Scottish politics after hearing some of the gushing from them over the past few days. Blackford on Andrew Marr's radio show last night was a total King Charles fan boy.
  19. It's hardly a profound protest. It looks like a childish strop. Booing is what fans do when a pantomine villain dives to win a penalty or they don't think their team are putting in enough effort. What is it achieving? Other than bad press for the clubs involved? What point are people trying to make by booing? That they didn't like the Queen herself? That they don't like the institution of monarchy? Something else?
  20. Some of the toys out the pram patter on this is incredible. I saw someone on twitter saying they'd hand their season ticket back if God Save the King is played. Imagine allowing yourself to get so worked up over it. Equally as bad as the folk queuing for hours and hours to get into St Giles Cathedral last night. I'd be surprised if GSTK is played at many (any?) grounds, but I'm pretty sure there'll be a minutes silence before the weekend games. I'm inclined to agree with previous posts that silences/applauses at matches should be reserved for people connected to the club. At the same time if there's a minutes silence any booing/backturning and the likes just comes across as childish.
  21. They should play God Save the King for a laugh. I'd be extremely surprised if it was played but I can't believe people are getting all hot and bothered about the suggestion it might be.
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