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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. If you look closely at the bottom picture you will see it is somebody else's left hand.
  2. If anything, his accident really changed their attitude to safety. Still they had people like Stirling Moss who would argue afterwards that they had made it too safe and the Russian Roulette aspect of the sport just added to the excitement.
  3. That was the film that killed him. Filmed downwind of a nuclear test site. He was one of many involved who subsequently died of cancer.
  4. One can only dream. If you won the Jackpot you could buy as many tickets as you like.
  5. If you are referring to the Jackpot then on average it is about 5 million years. HTH
  6. Maybe not but it will affect whether some people will bother to vote or not. Often the issue is getting your own voters to vote.
  7. In this scenario, which party leader do you think will be regularly invited on to BBC Question Time to discuss the future for Scotland?
  8. No. You're okay. It's not that strange. I don't know anyone who does anything special for Easter either.
  9. British Prime Ministers have been working from home for centuries. So have American Presidents. What a bunch of slackers.
  10. Togo is a literal translation of the Latin word for takeaway.
  11. To clarify. VAT Registration makes no difference to customers that are also VAT registered - they can claim it back. If they are not VAT registered or they are individuals then it means 20% more on the price. Then again, if your company turnover exceeds a certain amount, then you must register for VAT. I will assume you already know this - even if others do not.
  12. Oops. My company pays tax on the profit it makes, i.e. income minus costs. My income is a cost to the company. Another downside is that customers pay you when they pay you. Some might take a year to do so. Even if you say 30 days, they might ignore that. It is useful if you can force their hand when necessary and not have to beg and plead. Also, some never pay. It would also be useful if you enrol on a one-week course on how to start up a company. I did that with Inverness, Nairn Enterprise. I am sure there is some business support group in your area for this. A local accountant should be able to help you there.
  13. I have been running my own company for twenty years. Best job I ever had. I am the manager director, chairman, ceo and the boss. I am also the office tea boy but there you go. I am not self employed. I work for a limited company and currently I am the sole employee. The company and me are separate entities. To my customers I am a supplier not an employee. In many ways to them it is the same as doing business with a company that employs more people. If my company is paid £80,000 in one year but only £10,000 in the next then the company pays tax on that money but I only pay tax on the income I take from the company. IIRC, as a sole trader, the example above would mean I was a high earner in one year but struggling the next. Regarding the name, think of one that people will actually accept and use. Rich Solutions might work.
  14. My opinion of the Tories is about the same as yours but you can't ask why anyone would vote for them and then red dot anyone who dares to answer your question.
  15. I think we are on the same page. Those people who suggest all politicians are crooks are playing into the hands of those politicians who actually are crooks. Like you I would never vote Tory but I realise that some people join other parties with the best of intentions and not just self advancement.
  16. I doubt there are really any elections where every candidate is crap. It is in the interest of the worst candidates to suggest everybody else is just as bad. Voter suppression of sorts.
  17. Warning: If the drawing fits inside the box then it counts as a vote FOR that person. That happened to a UKIP candidate at least once.
  18. Yes I can see that and before that Y years with MI5 which I can't ask about either. However I did spot a 6 week gap in between the two jobs where you do not appear to have been doing anything. What is that all about? Makes me wonder about your work commitment.
  19. Suggestions for filling gaps in your CV Fast asleep After attending a party where I probably had too many glasses of wine, I fell fast asleep and woke up nine months later. Although I have no recollection of this, I am now feel wide-awake and fresh as a daisy, ready to do a hard day’s work. Convicted of a crime I did not commit As the result of a clerical error in police criminal records, I was imprisoned for murdering a spouse I haven’t got. After a lengthy appeal I was finally released. While still somewhat bitter about my incarceration, I am now more than ever aware of the importance of keeping information accurate and up to date and the need to locate that information quickly and easily. Comatose After eating a large bowl of goulash, I discovered that I was extremely allergic to paprika by falling into a deep coma. Although normally detrimental to anyone’s health, the doctors used revolutionary techniques of resuscitation that also activated parts of my brain that are normally dormant in most humans. While my extra-sensory perception and telekinetic skills are still rudimentary, I still feel I am more capable than most in the more mundane tasks that one encounters in an office environment. Abducted by aliens While acknowledging that it is highly unusual for this to happen to a non-American, suggesting poor navigational skills on the part of my abductors, I was taken to a planet orbiting Tau Ceti Three, a small yellow dwarf star approximately fifteen light years from Earth. There I was enlightened on Life, the Universe and the role of Planet Earth in the grand scheme of things. Consequently I find mere terrestrial matters such as secretarial and administrative duties to be relatively more straightforward than I had previously believed. Furthermore, as anyone familiar with Einstein’s theory of relativity will know, my sustained periods of travelling at faster than the speed of light mean than I am actually younger and fresher than my years would suggest. Temporary insanity For a brief spell I just lost it totally. I was taken away, placed in a straightjacket and thrown into a padded cell. Now that I am over that, I am now very CALM and collected and able to COPE with the modern STRESSES AND STRAINS of a typical office environment. Furthermore, I feel that my condition, although temporary, means I have a greater understanding and sympathy for colleagues with a similar but more enduring condition. Secret Mission I was recruited by government agents to deal with a matter of grave nation importance. That I am not willing to discuss this sensitive issue at all should be proof that I can be trusted with confidential information.
  20. How far do you go back? What about school grades? Honestly, it is probably only the last ten years that are relevant. Just indicate the year you started each job, probably no need to give the month and day. Maybe if you are unemployed most of the time then they might wonder if you really want a job or might quit at the slightest push. The occasional gap is of no importance. Tell them a lot about your most recent job and reduce the detail as you go back. Also list the jobs in reverse order if possible. Most recent first.
  21. I think presenteeism will take a real knock from all this. Their argument was always that you need a real office to do real work. Anything else is just skiving. If they try that now, after months of enforced WFH and you can throw it straight back at them. You can ask "Did you manage to catch up on the gardening?" Don't expect an honest reply.
  22. Sounds like me yesterday. Busy as anything. Then afterwards I had to make dinner. Holy shit. Just macaroni and cheese but more complex than you might think. Then I had to eat it. Not straightforward I can tell you. Then a cup of tea. Where do I start ...
  23. If it is an old fridge then it will leak that gas that depletes the ozone layer. Over a period of time, your part of the world will become uninhabitable and everybody will blame you. Then again I have been known to exaggerate from time to time.
  24. Boris and Nigel would not be interested in the role because it would not provide the right platform for them. There would be protocols on what they could and could not say in public. For example, Nigel might have to say nice things about asylum seekers.
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