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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I suggest they use green screens all around the pitch and use CGI to add in a crowd that isn't really there. I am sure it would work. Maybe cartoon characters would do the trick.
  2. Most anthems are awful. The US anthem is a decent anthem. Similarly France, Germany and Russia. Maybe Canada and Italy too. Then again if you live in America you hear it almost every day. I remember going to a baseball game in Chicago. I was about to pay for something in the gift shop when suddenly the national anthem started. It was like something from Stepford Wives. They all placed their hand over their hearts and sang the anthem with gusto. Then it finished and normal life resumed.
  3. I worked in one place where a colleague sometimes left 5 minutes early to beat the traffic. This was spotted and he was told to stop. So he stopped leaving early. He also stopped arriving early to unlock the gates so everybody could get into the car park. Somehow I think that matter got resolved.
  4. Is that the same polling that indicated Hillary would beat Trump in 2016?
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/shortcuts/2017/aug/08/in-god-we-trust-why-americans-wont-vote-in-an-atheist-president
  6. Yes it would be nice know the actual numbers. There is no doubt that in America you have to at least pretend to be religious to get anywhere in Politics. I simply despair if that is in any true over here.
  7. The BBC employs more journalists than everybody else combined. Yes, it is sickening when they fawn over the Tory party and Question Time has become a joke. However, the BBC is able to report from around the world to a much greater extent than others.
  8. As somebody who is not religious I would prefer leaders who did not bother with it either. However there are people who like to see their leaders going to church, they like the "swearing on the bible" stuff and all the other symbolism. They prefer leaders who pay lip service to religion. Maybe these people never vote Labour but I suspect some of them do.
  9. I would like to agree but there a bunch of people who liked seeing Margaret Thatcher or Theresa May (or the Queen) going to church and think that is what a leader should do. Even people who don't go to church themselves. When Neil Kinnock and Ed Milband declared themselves atheist- that was seen as a step too far. Bizarrely Norman Tebbit can also declare himself an atheist but for some reason that goes not get challenged. Don't know why. Maybe because he is a Tory. Who knows.
  10. .. or the first president who really doesn't like mum's apple pie. Not going to happen any time soon. America is far more religious than the UK but anybody wanting to be prime minister has to avoid declaring themselves an atheist if they actually want to win. That is how bad it is. "I believe in nonsense - vote for me".
  11. The other documentary is "20 Feet from Stardom" which is mainly about backing singers but also includes the likes of Darlene Love. She was often the actual singer on the recording for some of Phil Spector's hits. In one story he told a girl band "The Crystals" to get ready to go on tour to promote their new hit single "He's a Rebel" that had reached number 1 in the charts. This came as a total surprise to them as they had not been involved in the recording at all.
  12. I agree that "Danny Says" is a great song and my favourite from that album. It starts off quiet but ends quite loud. I love songs like that. (Another example would be "Bridge over Troubled Water". Simon and Garfunkel went to the same school as the Ramones - that probably explains it). Not sure how the song would have done with another producer. The demo version sounds very ordinary. Another great example of a song getting louder and louder is "Waiting for that Railroad" on Joey's second solo album "Ya Know". The big thing with Phil Spector was over-production. The big thing with the Ramones was perceived under-production. Johnny Ramone would have wanted the whole album done in less time than Spector spent on the opening chord to Rock 'n' Roll High School.
  13. The whole turbolift scene was about "wouldn't it be scary if somebody fell out of the turbolift". The problem with that is that they are on a spaceship. Surely they can adjust artificial gravity so that anyone falling out of the turbolift would just float away or fall more gradually. The big problem with these season long story lines is that the finale is always a let down. "Oh, that is what caused the burn? How dull."
  14. Oh dear. Before you ask. It is also not the guy married to the Queen.
  15. In all fairness, that album was exactly what you would expect a Phil Spector album to sound like even if it is not what you expect of a Ramones album. What were they thinking? It would have made more sense if he did a Joey solo album instead but that was never going to happen at that time.
  16. Maybe not. If he was in an accident he might have gone to hospital, been placed into an induced coma and been given the jab without being concious. Having said that, I suspect the person who gave him the jab (whatever the circumstances) will probably know.
  17. .. nor do they have any early memory of Scotland qualifying for a major tournament. Lucky them!
  18. Some people will never forgive him for being a Newcastle United fan.
  19. I don't remember it because of Peter Ustinov. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/nov/05/ozzy-osbourne-to-apologise-for-urinating-on-the-alamo
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