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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Newcastle !! Seriously !! Do you not know it is always Sunderland that aims to be first to declare on the night? Better not go to Sunderland if you going to say stuff like that. On second thought, it is probably a good idea to avoid Sunderland the rest of the time as well.
  2. Tempting to say this but who wins will affect how Trump imitators like Boris Johnson will behave. It would be nice if Trump was the first of many to fall.
  3. Oh dear. His biggest mistake was not following Stalin's example. Kangaroo Court for everyone else. Have them all shot and replaced by true believers. Definition of a true believer = someone who does not want to be shot! John McDonnell has been Corbyn's staunchest ally through thick and thin. If you are claiming he was a traitor to the cause then you are away with the fairies.
  4. Maybe football matches are a different thing in America. I have been to a few matches here where a bit of witchcraft might have livened things up. Who do I speak to?
  5. I accept all of this is true and the electoral system for the UK produces some misleading results. The big problem for Corbyn was that he was such a polarising figure. Tony Blair won a majority not simply on the votes he got but because there were plenty of people who would never vote Labour but were not that bothered so they did not vote at all - or they voted Liberal Democrat which had the same effect. In 1997 there was not much of a Anyone-But-Blair vote. Obviously that changed later on. By contrast, there was a determined Anyone-But-Corbyn vote - not so much amongst Labour voters but amongst everyone else. For example, Liberal Democrat voters who couldn't imagine that Boris Johnson would be worse than Corbyn. It is the same thing in the USA. Hopefully the Anyone-But-Biden vote will be less than the Anyone-But-Clinton vote.
  6. One of the planets is roughly in the same place it was when I was born. HTH
  7. I don't understand this quasi-religious adulation for Jeremy Corbyn. Sure his heart is in heart is in the right place and I probably agree with him on a lot of things but he was totally ineffective. He won an election. No he didn't. He nearly won one. No again. He stopped the Tories doing whatever they wanted to. Not even close. He stopped Brexit. No. He reversed it. No again. People on here think it is all about left and right. For some people it is all about competence. He never gave the impression he would know what to do if he became prime minister (Boris Johnson gave the impression even though he is crap). Corbyn never even gave the impression he knew how to be leader of the Labour Party. He couldn't even organise himself a seat on a train. I don't think he walks on water. If the left want to take charge of the Labour Party they need someone less wishy washy. Someone who inspires confidence and doesn't resort to conspiracy theory to explain every setback.
  8. Scottish football, Peruvian volleyball, Icelandic ice hockey. Does he ever get round to delivering any pizzas? I ordered a double pepperoni with anchovies. That was two weeks ago. I am still waiting.
  9. I am red green colour blind. This map is totally confusing.
  10. Yes. There was definitely a Not Clinton vote in 2016. Not sure if there is much of a Not Biden vote.
  11. Won't be able to do that it in Scotland. We have a bigger population!
  12. You forgot to mention Japan. It always seemed strange to me. The countries that had natural resources did not necessarily get rich as a result but the countries that turned those natural resources into something useful did.
  13. Sean Connery would have been a complete nobody if Ian Fleming had his way and got Kenneth Williams cast in the role of James Bond.
  14. David Niven played James Bond in the 1967 film Casino Royale that also starred Woody Allen and Peter Sellers. Definitely not the best Bond film. I always suspected Ian Fleming would have preferred someone like Edward Fox for the role.
  15. I think they missed a trick. Boris down at the Strictly studio announcing the lockdown while dancing the Charleston. That would have been newsworthy.
  16. There is a YouTube top 10 on this. It included Caine, Cruise, Cage and Costner but it did have Connery at number 1 for this.
  17. How dare you. Outland is not a rip off of Alien. I am not having that. Total rip off of High Noon though.
  18. Richard Dawkins likes to point out that everybody is an atheist to most religions but some people make an exception for one of them.
  19. He was also in a film called Rock 'n' Roll High School. Not sure how I know that. ☺
  20. That is about 20 times the daily requirement of Sodium.
  21. "The Collapse" by Mary Elise Sarotte is an excellent book about the wall. She indicates that it could easily have been more bloody than it was.
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