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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. You can also add that some Labour voters voted Leave in the complete absence of any guidance from their own party. If Corbyn believes that campaigning for something will achieve some good, he should also realise that not campaigning or lukewarm campaigning will have the opposite effect. As for Corbyn wanting it all to go away - after Brexit, there will some other distraction that will get in the way of his great plans. There always will be.
  2. "Vote Labour to provide a strong voice for socialism within the EU." "If we decide to stay in - that is." "Not sure. Maybe we'll stay in, maybe we won't. It depends." "If we are there. Great. Ready to fight the good fight." "Then again, maybe we won't be there. That's what some people say." "Anyway, come on everybody, let's do it. Maybe"
  3. .. and then there is the Tory canvasser who observed that when he went to someone's house and they had books on the shelf then it was almost certain they would not be voting Tory.
  4. That's okay. We'll just capture our own carbon. Take back control! BTW: Some leading Brexiteers are also climate change deniers - so as far as they are concerned - we are simply missing out on something that is a waste of time anyway.
  5. Round about when the clocks go back. How symbolic!
  6. Reminds me of my neighbor Jonathan Ecosse who hates all things Scottish.
  7. See bullet point 4 See bullet point 5 See bullet point 1 See bullet point 2 See bullet point 3 HTH
  8. This is the equivalent of saying "I hope she (Merkel) offers us something super-yummy". At some point, the Brexiteers need to put some meat on the bone because they are the ones that are wanting to leave, They are the ones that need to suggest something that the EU will agree to - not the other way around.
  9. Yes and when President Kennedy said "let's put a man on the moon", it didn't require anyone to figure out how to do it. A simple desire to do it was all that was needed. Never did understand why they had to build all those giant rockets - a large balloon would have been simpler and easier.
  10. Definitely not going to happen - but the translation into English would probably be pretty close.
  11. Why did we have a Grand National this year? Did nobody win it last year?
  12. Probably another constituency that blames everything on immigrants despite not having any. "All our problems are caused by pixies and goblins - send them home - wherever that might be!"
  13. A second referendum that returned a majority for remain would be like the USA introducing an amendment to their constitution solely for the purpose of cancelling out a previous amendment that had gone horribly wrong. I wonder - would we want to prohibit that?
  14. Was he caught singing " I can see clearly now"? A similar conspiracy theory has it that John Lennon really was a walrus.
  15. Edinburgh city council employed a number of bus drivers who had difficulty remembering their route. Rather than making them all redundant the council had to come up with a solution and they did.
  16. I totally predicted everything correctly as will become obvious when I publish my memoirs in 5 years time.
  17. See all those multitudes that have marched all the way from Sunderland down to London. Will they now march back up again or have they been able to hire a bus to take them home?
  18. Yes but if we want to go around in circles it won't be the EU saying clockwise or anti-clockwise. We decide. Take back control!
  19. Not quite. There are supposed to be some commemorative coins out there now celebrating that today is of historic importance. Not sure for what though.
  20. Ulster say No Ulster say No Ulster say No .. and now we say No to everything too. One big happy family. .. and the man from Del Monte can f** off!
  21. I'm just waiting for some Brexiteer to say "The people of this island need to take back control and not have the future of this country being decided by people from somewhere else".
  22. No worries. She'll simply go down as the worse PM ever!
  23. Totally independent like Singapore which relies on Malaysia for half its water supply!
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