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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Which follows from the belief that it must be good for you if you don't really want to eat it!
  2. Corbyn and his followers have a belief in a Socialist Utopia but are torn between whether that world is only possible outside the EU or only possible inside the EU or whether being in the EU or not will actually make a difference. Until they can work that out - they will continue to dither.
  3. .. or we could talk about Donald Trump ...
  4. The Queen is now in her nineties. Just the age when anyone can speak their mind and get away with it. Her husband has been doing it for decades. I like the idea of Trump going to Buckingham Palace and the Queen saying "Hey. Aren't you that fat git from New York? Of course, if it happened - I doubt we would be told.
  5. In America, it is not uncommon to hear a speech such as this: "You know what is great about America. I came from a shithole country where drug gangs were everywhere, rape and murder was commonplace and I knew I had to get out. I came to America, the land of opportunity, I worked hard and did what I needed to do and now I am the CEO of a very large successful company." This is what Americans call the American Dream. I can imagine Trump listening to all of this and saying "what a pile of shit!"
  6. Not all of them! We are talking about countries where the President has more money than he could ever need while millions struggle to get by.
  7. You're the optimist. I think Brexit will be all the topics.
  8. This is also true for a 5p coin and a 10p coin but bizarrely not true for a 20p coin or a 50p coin. I could go into further detail but Edinburgh police contacted Napier University and I was advised that my PhD in statistics would have to be about something else.
  9. .. and this one has the words in English!
  10. The middle bit looks a little bit like my attempts at "Unforgettable"
  11. Very useful if you can get an English language train timetable. I went to Japan a long time ago. Sometimes on the train, I was not sure where I was - the station names were in Kanji. However, if the timetable says a train will be somewhere at 10:37am and that is the time - then that is where you are. In Japan, a train that is 1 minute late - is seriously late. Once at Tokyo station, I went to Platform 4 to get a bullet train to Hiroshima at 08:04am. At 08:00am, sure enough, there was a bullet train arriving at Platform 4. That was NOT my train. That train left and my train arrived at 08:04am.
  12. Yeah but he almost quit again when the drummer suggested he was going to change his name to Roger Uranus.
  13. It is like that film "Midnight Express" that made a big thing about Turkish prisons not being nice (what a surprise) but tended to downplay the fact that the guy was guilty.
  14. .. and mention that in the good old days of the Empire when Egypt was under British rule we could have had a quiet words with these chaps and had it all sorted out in a jiffy. Tally ho!
  15. Actually I think this was all about taking a poke at the UN to please his own supporters. He has already criticized both the EU and NATO so it was inevitable the UN would be next. I suspect the whole thing will quietly disappear once it stops making headlines for Trump. In the meantime, I wonder what other international bodies will be next for his wrath.
  16. I would be tempted too. Four hours standing in a queue with people who might have voted for Brexit - no thanks. Do we get to choose a colour other than blue? Gold or Platinum spring to mind.
  17. "Oh, your passport is blue! Why didn't you say so? Come on in."
  18. Yes, I hear that Pakistan and India are not on the best of terms. Bring them together as a single territory under British rule again (along with Bangladesh) and give them a telling off for not getting along. Yeah, I am sure that will work.
  19. Oh, and Bubonic plague. Bloody interfering EU and all their hygiene rules !!
  20. If only David Cameron had been able to reach a compromise on incandescent light bulbs, we might have been able to avoid this Brexit thing altogether. Missed opportunity, I guess. Sigh.
  21. .. and I will be absolutely fuming if we leave the EU and they don't bring back the BBC test card !!
  22. .. and what about public flogging? Especially for those people who suggested Brexit would be a good thing.
  23. .. and make sure you have got your visa. .. and written proof you have never appeared on Question Time.
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