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Posts posted by RC55 FFC

  1. Ours has never been relaid unlike your pitch. Yours is a horror of a pitch and is as bad as it was when first laid again.

    Despite ours being recognised as the best surface. (Now replicated at Stenhousemuir and Allloa) I want us to go back to grass when this surface runs its course in 3 years time.

    In an ideal world I think I would go back to grass too but I don't see it happening when you weigh it up versus the cost of maintaining a good pitch, hiring training facilities elsewhere plus any rental it brings in.

    Not to mention the new gym facilities will be on site at the stadium too.
  2. We need to just keep putting points on the board & see where it takes us.

    Hibs, Utd & Morton all have games in hand but we all play each other over the next 3/4 weeks and I reckon there are still a few twists and turns.

    I sound like a broken record but we not only want to be in 2nd place for the play offs but on current league form, you want to be 2nd incase Hibs keep dropping points.

  3. I'm not talking about who owns the stand as we all know Sandy Alexander paid for it and we rent it. I'm talking about where the finances came for its new refit for the bar etc. 
    From the herald:
    Mr Henderson said the initiative involved joint working with the football club and Falkirk Foundation with the majority of the cash coming from the land tax credit schemes. He said: “This allows companies to reduce tax liabilities by investing in community facilities and we will be using this structure to bring about the development of the first floor.”

    Some sort of tax relief scheme. Has hee haw to do with the council.

    AFAIK the refit of the south stand 1st floor/ground floor reception area is under the ownership of the club & community foundation. Who gets what income, I've no idea though.

  4. Interesting quote on the new Invest in Falkirk website below. I see their is also new signage at the stadium & across the road highlighting that developments are "Coming Soon" for the Falkirk Gateway.

    "The site extends to 18.2ha. The stadium provides a high quality signature building to the frontage with proposals for a new stand extension and pod developments as potential infill development"


  5. Build a cowshed type stand minus the pillars terracing at the back for those that want a standing area and 5 or 6 rows of seats along the front for the kids/older folk.

    Agree about the terracing but will never happen. It'll be all seating or at best, safe standing but I'd wager it'll be all seating.

    Whatever is built it'll compliment the existing North & South stands I'm sure in terms of height.
  6. Aye, although I think if and when we build the new stand it should have some sort of individuality to it and attached in some way to the other two stands too. Just to try to avoid the whole place being too shoeboxy. 

    Maybe the corners will have part of the rumoured new hotel (attached to the new stand) in them? That be good.
  7. Posted on onef earlier than visiting cappielow yesterday actually made me realise that after ten years or so now I don't miss brockville anymore and am glad we are now at TFS. I have great memories at brockville but like yesterday sat in a cramped main stand with a terrible view while watch our fans stand behind uncovered goals getting soaked in driving rain and paying for the pleasure. We've moved on I have a great view at TFS loads of room and am dry. Also we now have memories at our new stadium. It's taken time but it's definitely starting to feel more like home now and am getting more attached to it.

    Totally agree.
  8. Great performance from the off yesterday. No failures. Leahys distribution at times was poor and still think Muirhead is a better CB but took his penalty well in the corner. Grant is back to his commanding best and was unlucky with a header that their keeper did well to keep out. Austin is built like Shepherd but is far more effective. I would start him if Baird still struggling. Craigen was excellent, pleased for the lad he got a goal. Sibbald always beats his man in tight situations. Onwards and upwards, shame it's taken so long for us to have a settled team. COYB

    I'd say Austin has more about him than Shepherd both in terms of physique and height.

    That and he can actually play football obviously.
  9. Feet on the ground for me. We have been excellent last two weeks but next week is huge. Win next week and I would almost put us favourites for 2nd considering how easily we batted Utd away yesterday. Looks like another exciting 3 or 4 months ahead.

    Agree with this.

    Win & 2nd place at least is game on! The only team that will stop Hibs winning this league is themselves & IF that were to happen, we need to be in 2nd place to take advantage.
  10. The line on the website match report was put in specifically to scotch that potential rumour. 
     "Alan Maybury made a planned substitution at the interval as Nathan Austin was replaced by Conor Langton. The striker had looked lively throughout the first half as he continued his return from injury."

    Cheers. Hadn't read the match report yet.

    Good to hear he's came through unscathed, could be a good player for us still this season.
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