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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Chris Duggan arrived after Nathan Austin left...
  2. A few years back a well-meaning English couple gave our kids an inflatable lilo for the hotel pool. Unfortunately it was a union jack inflatable lilo. The kids had hours of fun, while I was at the side of the pool in a state of mild to moderate irritation. Probably the pettiest thing to have ever got on my nerves...
  3. I walked to the Lochee United v East Fife game this afternoon wearing a suit. Got a wee shiver thinking about who the f**k wears a suit in July not going to a wedding. Then remembered I was in good old Lochee. No Orange shite tolerated in this neck of the woods...
  4. I think we will be adopting a 4-5-1 formation for the most part this season, making use of our strength across the middle of the park...
  5. I'm guilty of that. I buy the replica top every year but holidays are the only chance I get to wear them. Shoot me...
  6. According to Follow Follow he is actually wholemeal. They're working themselves up into a right lather over Graham Speirs tweeting this pic...
  7. The male commentators have set a fairly high bar in the annoyance stakes. But give it time...
  8. Strange that. Looked a mean, lean machine at training today. In other "news", did you know that Half Man Half Biscuit's latest album was inspired by Brechin City?
  9. ACDC are over-rated. Torture on the ears...
  10. Re women commentators - the lassie on 5 live commentating on the Poland v Senegal game was excellent. She had obviously done her homework and was able to pronounce the Polish names correctly ( the bare minimum you would expect I know) with none of the usual chip on the shoulder stuff that you come to expect from Alan Green and co. Meanwhile, on the telly, Ally McCoist couldn't even get the name of the top goalscorer in the Bundesliga right...
  11. Bawhair away from being red-dotted for use of the word snowflake...
  12. How about letting Scott train with us and letting a couple of qualified coaches assess whether he can do a job for us next season?
  13. Yup. Respect for our former players who pulled on the Black and Gold...
  14. For nostalgic reasons I took a trip back to five years ago. Quite liked Michael Weatherly's optimism...
  15. Nice wee earner on the hospitality front at the Linos - Hertz game for us...
  16. You'll have played on said surface then? Or perhaps you're pishing out of your arse...
  17. Jules signed for Dundee in 2015. Smith parted company with Dundee over two years earlier...
  18. Stockbridge Tap and Hamilton's. A nice guy at the bar suggested I try Bailey's but I'd given up by then..
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