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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. In Stockbridge this afternoon (my daughter shares a flat there). Fancied watching the play-off final. Went into one Pub, four folk in and the telly switched off. Ordered a double vodka and a wee bottle of tonic. "We don't sell doubles" Quick double-take. Asked if he could put the football on the telly. "We don't show football here" Tried another pub. Got the drink I requested from the nice lassie behind the bar. Hardly a soul in the place. No-one's watching the telly in the corner. "Any chance you could put on BBC Alba please?" The lassie says yes and asks what BBC Alba is. I explain that It's the Gaelic channel and they're showing the football. Her boss who has had his back to me, filling out some paperwork, since I first entered the pub informs the lassie that they don't show football. I point out that they have a sign outside saying that they show the six nations and that it's only Dumbarton v Alloa Athletic I want to watch. "We don't show football" Still slightly scunnered by this...
  2. This Paul McManus? One of life's good guys... https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/fife/638883/football-stars-join-fundraising-team-to-raise-funds-for-owen/
  3. Either George Mather's shop in Lochee or the wee place opposite Mennies' on the Perth Road. A tenner including tip...
  4. The biggest visiting support at Stark's Park was East Fife last season. It works both ways...
  5. Sensible decision sticking with Barry. Bill Clark also a safe pair of hands...
  6. I'm not really sure what more the club can do to sell more season tickets. Believe me we have discussed this at length. Obviously a winning team on the park is the best answer and last season we were all hoping for a play-off spot but had to settle for a place in mid-table. Disappointing, but not a disaster. Before every campaign the manager's budget is decided by a projection of the expected income and outgoings of the season ahead, this will obviously include season ticket sales. I'm speaking from a purely personal point of view here, but it is unreasonable to expect the club to announce signing targets. I would urge everyone to do what you do best and continue to support the club...
  7. You're obviously a wee bit sore tonight so I'll let you go to bed. Tomorrow is another day and it'll be another season soon...
  8. You took 1,600 to Bayview over the two games...
  9. Interesting (but wrong) attempt at my name. The answer is around 300 - on a midweek night when we had nothing left to play for. Without taking anything away from Alloa, that is more than they had today at a tenner an adult. That 600 could be more if we were in the hunt for promotion. Derby games work both ways...
  10. Don't think any visiting support came close to matching our 600 fans in the first game at Stark's Park either. Wee bit of consolation that we are in SPFL1 next season for Raith...
  11. That's the style Frankie boy. Finger on the financial pulse. What are your thoughts on part-time Brechin City coming back down with their Championship prize money in their kitty as opposed to cash-strapped Faith Rivers?
  12. Can I ask where a club like Raith Rovers, who were selling season tickets for 2018-19 at bargain bucket prices a few weeks back, are expected to get the funds to pay off Barry Smith's contract. I've no idea what he is on but just step back and think about it. Does the club have that kind of money to take off their potential budget for players next season? For the record I don't think Barry did too badly. It was always likely to be a two horse race for the automatic promotion place and that's exactly how it turned out. Raith fans need to take a reality check...
  13. The non-light version of Budweiser is the worst beer I've had the misfortune to taste by some margin...
  14. I went up the wrong dreel researching my family history a few years ago and discovered a Fanny MacAninch. I was almost disappointed when I realised that I'd gone off piste...
  15. This has happened on three occasions recently coming back from Fife to Dundee at night. Some utter bellend driving the entire length of an otherwise empty Tay bridge at 40 mph in the overtaking lane...
  16. I add salt to chips without tasting them first. Shoot me...
  17. What's a flunky? Sounds suspiciously North American...
  18. How about folk who buy trainers with laces but leave the laces untied? My son thinks I'm weird because I tie the laces on my trainers...
  19. I suppose Glasgow has Greggs. Wasn't quite the point I was making. Smaller cities and towns tend to have local bakers and butchers that supply decent quality rolls and lorne...
  20. Slightly off topic but do the bigger cities have independent butchers for your Lorne or bakers for your rolls? I can say yes for Dundee...
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