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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. A filled roll/ sandwich, packet of crisps, chocolate biscuit, piece of fruit for packed lunch saves you a fortune. Prepare it during the six minutes it takes for your porridge to simmer in the morning and it sets you up for the day...
  2. Nearly KK. It was 2-0 at Meadowbank, 5-0 at Bayview and 3-0 at Meadowbank in 1982-83, but Brechin City pipped Thistle to the title...
  3. They're between a rock and a hard place. While sugar is certainly less damaging to the human body than the artificial shite in the diet stuff, there is the equivalent of eight teaspoonfuls of sugar per can. That's actually shocking and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. I normally prefer the educational route myself, but sometimes a harder line needs to be taken...
  4. Arrest this Moment - a book about the great Michael Marra. Very good so far, plenty of illustrations and pics...
  5. I wish they would just stick to the sucking part. The exhaling is the minging part for the rest of us...
  6. They use lower grade ones in general, so some that are underripe may also find their way in. It takes a few seconds to chop the tomatoes up in the pot, and it means I get good ones. Where did you source this information? Surely the same grade of tomato is used for chopped and whole. What about the tomatoes used for Passata?
  7. People wishing each other "Happy Christmas" before the day itself. It's mostly media types south of the border but it's still mildly irritating. Would you wish someone a Happy Birthday a fortnight before the day itself?
  8. The last taxi driver I attempted to engage with in a meaningful conversation was a big fan of Donald Trump. Apologies to taxi drivers since for my lack of engagement...
  9. He got the torch shone on him in a cinema in Gourock that is now a Bingo. So it all depends...
  10. For me I've not seen us play at Celtic Park, Ross County, Inverness C Thistle & the new St Mirren ground. Away to any of these would be good. The previous post was obviously tongue in cheek as Brora Rangers would be a horrendous draw away from home...
  11. Lidl brandy - purchased for fortifying the Christmas cake baked last week. An unlikely Fife win/ Raith defeat double in the Scottish saw an emptying of the drinks cupboard on return from Cumbernauld last night...
  12. Another unexpected twist to the thread. Can we red dot Bennett (and Rangers fans in general) into the nineteenth century?
  13. Think the consensus is Celtic away for a big earner in the draw. I'd rather save them for a later round so I'm looking for Rangers coming out of the hat v us tomorrow...
  14. Baseball cap wearers come across as desperately trying to shout out that the USA is in some way cool. You can occasionally get with it...
  15. Be interesting to know what the correct response is in this scenario. I'd have probably reacted the same way, but what are the rules? If it had been a human being - emergency stop. A horse - same (to protect your vehicle in addition to prevent injuring the animal) A dog? Pretty sure you are required by law to stop. You could argue that the driver behind should be at a sufficient distance to react safely to the vehicle in front carrying out an emergency stop...
  16. Yes, but the problem is we are not all perfect drivers. Even disregarding the frankly careless and dangerous road users, we all make mistakes. A judgement of error (eg pulling out to overtake with a car doing 80 mph instead of 70 mph in the outside lane) will have catastrophic consequences. I'd rather we all calmed down a little and were a bit more considerate to each other. What is the big rush to get from A to B anyway? Better to err on the side of caution and acknowledge it's safer to keep the speed limit as it is...
  17. Said Paul McCartney after the loss of Linda
  18. So basically we should increase the speed limit to allow all the aforementioned c***s in this thread to drive even more dangerously...
  19. I'm going to be controversial and add driving at over 70 mph to the list. Everything is fine and jolly until the unlikely event of having to make an emergency stop. It's not so much the braking distance involved as the likelihood of losing control of your vehicle. I had to apply the brakes suddenly once doing 70 mph and, looking back I'm happy that I got that lesson. Shudder to think about a similar situation at 80 mph upwards. It's something you are not taught when learning to drive...
  20. Win and it'll be the best feeling in the world. Lose and you'll feel like jumping off the Bawbee Brig. That's local derbies for you. Your choice...
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