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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Can I just repeat my prediction that the difference between 4th and 9th will be 10 points or less come May...
  2. I suppose this is the thread (either that or the things that make you cringe) to confess my shooshing at the constant chattering from the public benches at a High Court murder trial in Dundee only to be swiftly huckled outside by the court officials. Apparently, the family of the Lithuanian victim were being provided with a translation of the proceedings.
  3. Bay leaves are probably a massive con. I'm not convinced that they add any flavour to anything. I've tried boiling the fuckers in water - tastes of nothing afterwards. Happy to be proved wrong...
  4. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP7jQY3vapA
  5. Tony is a top man. When the local food bank in the Levenmouth area was in dire straits recently he was along with a bag of groceries...
  6. Never had neeps? I find this difficult to believe. What other vegetables have you never tasted in your life?
  7. You didnt do hellish much last season? Lino idiot alert...
  8. Scottish exams aren't good enough for upper class kids in Scotland. Pupils from fee-paying schools take English qualifications...
  9. I thought Shagger and co. pumping Raith would provide us with some entertainment. Not been disappointed so far...
  10. Personal favourites: Airdrie: The pub on the left after you leave the station, heading for the High St. A real half and half place, cheap as chips and the Racing Channel on the telly Arbroath: The Station Bar Brechin: Again, cannae mind the name, but a traditional horseshoe bar, at the end of the High St furthest away from the ground Forfar: The Plough? Guaranteed to fall your length tripping over a dodgy step at least once per visit Montrose: The Northern Vaults Raith: The Penny Farthing. Far better than the stupidly named Novar Bar Stenhousemuir: The wee pub on the right before you hit the High St after leaving the Station. Friendly bar staff but miserable as f**k customers Stranraer: A wee place in the centre. Named after something to do with the football team East Fife: Obviously the bars at the ground but if not, Molly Malone's in North Street, Leven. Full of "characters". Cheap as chips
  11. Ray Winstone has a very punchable puss...
  12. I like them in principle but wonder what would happen if you flew past them at 80 mph giving them the viccies then reverted back to a steady 65 mph. And then repeat...
  13. So what is the cut-off point at which home attendances will not sustain full-time football?
  14. And where are the projected gates of over 1,500 this season going to come from.? Remaining full-time last season was a gamble, I'm not sure how to describe the decision to continue with full-time football in 2018-19...
  15. Is anybody going to acknowledge that it might have been a mistake trying to sustain full-time football for two consecutive seasons in SPFL1 on gates of less than 1,500?
  16. Not convinced about that. I don't think immigrants were wholly responsible for the anti-Catholic sentiment that still exists today...
  17. Orangism is a form of racism as a reaction to people of a different religion/ culture entering their communities then...
  18. I did a bit of research into the religious demographics of Scotland. In areas where presbyterianism is still strong (Highlands, Angus, Aberdeenshire etc) there is no Orange activity. Only areas where there are significant Roman Catholic communities would appear to still have these marches taking place. Dundee, Fort William and the Western Isles seem to be exceptions to the rule...
  19. Microwaves. Don't trust them. Never owned one. My cooker is perfectly capable of doing everything they claim to be able to do...
  20. Despite its apparent failure to evolve, the obese bigot has developed the ability to migrate as well as breed. Attenborough should do a feature...
  21. This recent trend of prefixing adjectives with "super"...
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