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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. That was one of the few parts of his ramble he got right...
  2. Apologies. I'll direct that question at a supporter of the club now frequenting Ibrox. If I ever come across one on here (long shot)...
  3. Do the BNP still sell their merchandise outside Ibrox?
  4. Probably a tattoo, going by the nick of him...
  5. I despise the term Super Sunday. But on P&B it can be apt from time to time...
  6. Worryingly for some it doesn't take too much. This isn't a pop at overweight people btw...
  7. Going off on a slight tangent, once you reach a certain level of obesity it becomes physically impossible to wipe your arse after taking a shite...
  8. There are two guys fudding about to the left of the camera, clearly not paying attention to the game at 4:50...
  9. That's all well and good. But to rate him as the best player in the league before a ball has been kicked is a bit daft...
  10. With two games gone, both heavy defeats. Right you are. SPFL1 awaits this superstar...
  11. So Hendry is the best player in the league, based on what?
  12. My ambition is to be at the planting of one of these p***ks as they lower the coffin. You can guess the rest...
  13. It was Graeme Souness who introduced the number 6 centre half to Scottish football. Make of that what you will...
  14. If only there was a means of showing that you disagreed with posts...
  15. The best one of these was the boxing club. Need to give that one a listen again...
  16. I've been researching mine for years and have just about exhausted every avenue, tracing my Scottish ancestry back to the 17th century. The Irish side of my family has proved more problematic, although I've narrowed it down to County Cavan...
  17. The tattoo is shortbread tin Scotland at its worst. Unpopular opinions thread for this I know...
  18. Owners of dogs in pubs tend be the type that practically live in the place and will bore the f**k out of the poor person behind the bar and anyone in the vicinity with their opinions on absolutely everything...
  19. There are folk heading to the fitba wearing shorts. When did this behaviour start?
  20. I think both should give it a rest to be honest. It's becoming tiresome..
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