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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. There is actually very little of the above that I can discuss on a public forum. Financial matters relating to individuals are strictly confidential. What I can say is that all outgoings and incomings are fully accounted for. As far as the Buy East Fife bid is concerned, we reached an impasse and that state of affairs remains unchanged. FFTC is independently run and will have full responsibility for the administration of the community facilities, including the playing surface. The point of the PM was to meet you face to face to discuss your concerns. That offer remains open...
  2. Someone from Forfar calling Methil Smallsville!
  3. Disappointing to lose Barry but there are a number of good managers out there. We also had a number of key signings in place before his departure, so good news on that front. We've been through this before, let's be patient and make another good appointment. Oh, and a wee bit of history for you. The last time a manager moved from Methil to Kirkcaldy was in 1970-71. That worked out quite well for us I recall...
  4. Scott McBride was a very good player for us, good guy and a nice family. Always welcome back at Bayview...
  5. You received a personal message after a previous statement on here. Can you check it out please Stan?
  6. That the Facebook thread continues to remain in the Top 5's sub forum...
  7. My Grandfather and hundreds of thousands more (on both sides) had no choice in WW1 but to sign up for the Great Slaughter...
  8. Maybe they've offered the job to someone, say Dick Campbell, and he wants a couple days to think about it?
  9. The club hope to benefit by making the stadium a community hub, attracting participants, particularly youngsters and their families to the club and provide catering as well as souvenir shop facilities. East Fife Football Club are the nearest SPFL side to Methil, Leven, Buckhaven, Methilhill, Windygates, Kennoway, Markinch, Glenrothes, East Wemyss, Lundin Links, Lower Largo, Elie, St Monans, Pittenweem and Anstruther and we aim to re-establish these links...
  10. This is even more entertaining than the Raith - Brechin game. And I was charged a fiver for that...
  11. You didn't storm your way to any title. You won it on the last day of the season with three part-time sides still in contention. The following campaign you then imploded in spectacular fashion...
  12. Willie Dyer was terrific at left back this afternoon for Brechin. I'd take him in a heartbeat...
  13. UK Road atlases that start in the south and work their way northwards. Is there anywhere else in the world that does this?
  14. You've nailed it pal. The goalie needs to come and sit in your seat in the stand when setting up his wall...
  15. The news headlines on Radio Scotland this morning. A large rabbit called Simon who died on a flight made it on. What about all the normal sized rabbits that passed away in other unfortunate circumstances recently? Where were their obituaries?
  16. All I can say is that contract negotiations have been taking place and that these are ongoing...
  17. As I said, perhaps the club has made a mistake in not raising the prices incrementally over the last 9 years. Can we agree that we would like to provide the manager with a budget to allow us to consolidate/ improve on this season's progress?
  18. We need to generate the income to attract the standard of player to allow us to compete at this level. Perhaps the club made a mistake in freezing the prices for nine years but would the season ticket holders rather we reduced the manager's budget and find ourselves in the situation that Cowdenbeath find themselves in? We have to consolidate our position of being one of best part-time sides in the country but need to generate the income in order to fund this. The club is working hard on all fronts to achieve this, hospitality packages are proving popular and other commercial opportunities are being explored. We are currently the only club in Scotland whose ground is powered (excluding floodlights) by wind and solar energy. We are in a good place on and off the park at the moment but we need to pull together and continue to be forward thinking to keep this going, and unfortunately it was felt necessary to increase the prices next season in order to sustain this...
  19. Sensible decision from East Fife. My preferred option for the Fife Cup is for it to be played pre-season as a weekend tournament. Would be sad for one of the world's oldest competitions to be binned...
  20. Oops. A timely reminder to add to the above list from KK: Recognising the contribution of former players of the club and inviting them as guests. I think upwards of 50 ex-Fifers have been made welcome in re-unions of some shape or form in recent years...
  21. We can expect a statement in relation to the club's admission prices for next season, which incidentally are the first increases since 2008. In response to the comments about the communication from club to supporters, I agree that continuous improvement should always be a priority but where we are now compared to where we were a decade ago is deserving of acknowledgement: Social Media: Match previews Live matchday updates Match highlights with commentary (most Championship clubs and some Premiership clubs do not provide this) Commentary for visually impaired supporters Televised post match interviews On this day features Thursday Teaser Updates on new signings Our match programme has been awarded the SPFL1 programme of the year once again In short. We are getting a lot right, any suggestions about how we can improve are welcome...
  22. Ah f**k. The site went down and I couldn't see that I'd posted it. Apologies...
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