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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. It's astonishing that US voters think the US are a big player in this conflict. Actually it's not..
  2. I initially thought you were on about the dog attending lectures at the course it failed. Doh!
  3. I think I'm probably getting too old for this shite. I know Nazis, pedophiles and homophobes are bad, but are they ganging up on each other?
  4. Obviously the sending off is the main talking point. I thought it was correct; we were denied a clear goalscoring opportunity. Stranraer will claim that another defender could have got back, but it wasn't the terrible decision some were claiming. Pagey's sending off at Motherwell springs to mind. Stranraer's ten men did really well however, credit to them. In fairness to East Fife, we kept plugging away without resorting to lumping it up the park and finally got a wee break when McDonald spilled the ball near the end. We can play better, and hopefully we will.
  5. Scotland 42 England 1 One of the better ground-hopping books
  6. Plucking nasal hairs is one of life's little pleasures.
  7. He is insufferable, but as others have alluded to, who knows what his personal circumstances are. He doesn't seem able to join in with general banter. Maybe P&B is his life. In which case we shouldn't be too harsh on the guy. I fully expect to receive a round of his guns in three days time..
  8. The piano at Dundee Station has been chored again.
  9. The humble chip buttie. Nicoll's roll, Kerrygold butter..
  10. I was in London on Sunday and popped into one of those Sainsbury metro type shops. The cashier said that she was a bit shaken as a group of guys had walked in earlier and basically just helped themselves to stuff. She said it happens on a regular basis.
  11. "We all know the rules now" Aye, a clear handball is a penalty Neil. Fucking hell man. Even against Rainjurs...
  12. I noticed, visiting London last weekend, that the doors on the underground trains open automatically at stations. It's not quite free prescriptions, but worth considering..
  13. The wee box on the top right of the screen on Channel 4 was much more informative..
  14. https://www.facebook.com/100064560614821/posts/pfbid02sbtm1Cw91CZNjxwquMPU2gSTAZrbZ3BwSuzmsVgs6viTe1TaGMUPTNbUUMH59gsXl/?app=fbl At least the dog made an effort..
  15. Was there not a Half Man Half Biscuit track about Noel Edmund getting his life machine turned off? Eta: Visitor for Mr Edmunds?
  16. It was a milk float back in the day. Lord only knows how it was powered. Somebody will be an expert on that. I wonder who?
  17. "Plant based products are considered by some to be too Woke" On the BBC news just now. Words fucking fail me..
  18. I think you might be overthinking this pal. Live and let live
  19. Same reason why we respect people of non-Christian faiths.
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