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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I can see why you think that but I think it's unrealistic that there will be wholesale differences between us an England. we have only even been slightly out of sync with each other the whole time and rules have been broadly the same
  2. the other day the irish prime minister was qouated on saying the same but that "we'd have to get through another winter to be sure ( to be sure to be sure !) " now that would normally lead to a heads gone from many on here but to be totally fair, it would be a bit foolish if they were to just stand up and say "nah don't worry lads, f**k all will happen in the autumn, gurantee it" even this nightmare scenario envisaged , we're still only talking about this time next year as the absolute worst case for the pandemic's reach into our daily lives. the pandemic will end and life will go on. on the radio the other night a historian mentioned, when asked if we would change our behaviours permanently following covid, that some people kept up wearing masks and other precautions after the 1918 pandemic, but that those decreased year on year until around 1925 when the number became negligible and that he expected similar this time
  3. no way sir! arr brave RAF boys will see off any variant foolish enough to come near us ANY TIME!
  4. I pretty much the last bit, they would be quite happy saying that knowing there was little chance of it ever happening. I think labour went for devolution thinking they could keep power in Scotland and wales in years when they done more poorly in England, they took a calculated risk that separatist parties wouldn’t gain an ascendency over them . In wales it has worked well for them as they have power despite getting pumped elsewhere. In Scotland not so much but perhaps not the end of the world as it’s one thing to hold an indyref but it’s quite another to win it
  5. I know but thing is it's not like the genie was ever getting out unless they let it, even if we had returned a clean sweep of snp mp's at a general election, there would be nothing they could do to force the uk government to grant devolution, unless there was a hung parliament which in 97 & 01 was never on the cards. They could have easily chosen to ignore us and it would have made f**k all difference .
  6. Wonder if labour are now bitterly regretting setting up devolution? If they hadn't gave us it there's no way we could have forced the uk government to give us it , not even by returning a clean sweep of SNP MP's at a general election ( we had between 5-10 pre 2014) Nobody in politics just does things because it's right thing to do, Labour were always going to lose a general election sooner or later , they were only in power for a total of 22 years throughout the 20th centaury . i'm assuming they thought devolution would allow them to keep power and influence in Scotland and wales when they were out at WM. surely when they sat and planned this out they must have at least consider the possibility of a nationalist takeover in the parliament? obviously not it seems
  7. surely Falkirk should have slipped another place in the table? just like we would have if there was a 27 game season
  8. hospital number a up and down all over the place recently, i suppose you will get that when they drop as low as now that it's more likely to fluctuate daily, not a bad day in all tho,
  9. i'd probably not go into work but might be tempted out for some exercise .
  10. certainly agree, the fact that the second bottom team has a one off tie to save their season whilst the others have to play 2 or 4 games in 10 days is bullshit
  11. that's kinda what I've been saying the whole time, who the f**k would book under those conditions, prior to this shite kicking off having a flu wouldn't stop you going your holidays, at worst you'd maybe have to spend a couple days recovering before hopefully feeling well enough to start enjoying yourself. you'd only cancel a trip if you were actually to unwell to make it. if we're all vaccinated and it's just a mild cold or asymptmatiic , you'd be ragin if you had to cancel everything for that
  12. That for me was the game that really showed up just how much Hartley or whoever scouted the wonder signings of 2018 had fucked up, it was like watching an amateur game , both sides looked about the same level and the better team won. how he ever got employed in football again is beyond me
  13. There have been plenty lads arrested at polmont train station or outside the spar in brightons having just been released from polmont jail within the hour. As most of them are released on license a simple breach of the peace or drunk & disorderly is enough to send them back inside, also people forget how much your tolerance for booze decreases through abstinence, after 4 months off it a previously heavy drinker could easily be steamin after 3 cans It’s easy done A friend told me...
  14. Oh yes didnt we have a right good knees up in ,er , oh was it africa? I’m sure it was, bloody good times. Can’t believe all those bloody woke liberals want to keep nailing us for that! What goes on tour stays on tour eh
  15. f**k them, they’re pish and the deserve the centre of a doughnut, quite rightly too
  16. I quite like that the challenge cup had teams from other countries , it’s something different for most teams who won’t normally play a competitive match outside Scotland , (or if they do get into europe via the Scottish cup likely get pumped in the first game) & I wouldn’t mind if it had some other teams from minnow leagues in northwestern Europe either but it does need money! Also I don’t mind that it’s harder for a team who finishes 4th in a league of 10 to go up via the playoffs than it is for 2nd place
  17. I’ve said this the whole time. It doesn’t matter how big the majority it if the uk government doesn’t agree to it them it’s not a legally binding referendum. If the Scottish government hold one anyway then unionist party’s will boycott the referendum and it will turn into a catalonia style farce. Yes will win 80% + with only a 40% turnout and neither the uk nor the international community will recognise the result TLDR It’s a waste of time
  18. Yass! Canny wait to get to see our pla.. ah f**k it never mind, as you were
  19. The bame vaccine chat is fucking riveting isn’t it..
  20. light em up fellas! Esp since that's most of yestardays and todays rolled into one
  21. To the suprise of erm nae c**t! What are they so scared of? Would there be a tidal wave of headlines “Fury as SNP disregard the health of scots by staging superspreader events without masks and distancing!!!” There probably would tbf but it would only be from the express and mail who do an SNP bad story every day anyway
  22. Am obviously generalising mate, for somw people if boris says it’s daytime they have to say it’s night
  23. This whole shite is startin to remind me of the old firm with their pathetic tit for tat behaviour, celtic fans bring Palestinian flags + rangers fans bringing isreali ones ( the same c***s who 15 years ago were giving Nazi salutes) rangers bum the poppy = celtic fans protest the poppy Boris wants to relax lockdown = leftists want more lockdown
  24. I know,this is getting off topic now and I could be well wide of the mark here but my experience of independent hospitality in rural Scotland is that it's majority owned by older people from the south of England , who most likely made their money before they moved here. When your ever in one of these establishments , these people give off a vibe that they are doing what they're doing for the lifestyle rather than the money which is where attitudes like the one above come from (although I'm sure your mate was probably just taking the piss) and how you end up with business models and service standards that wouldn't last 5 minutes in a built up area. Again tho, I could be well wrong
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