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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I’ve heard from those who’ve been that Chinese and Indian food in their respective home countries is nothing like what they serve in restaurants in the west also given the size of both countries saying Chinese food is a bit like saying European food, massive regional variation
  2. He’ll just deny it and I doubt anyone has real evidence so it’ll just be spun as bitter Cummings telling tales
  3. I recon for football stenhousemuirs ochilview would be a great place to have a trail run at a sell out crowd with no masks or SD, youd need volunteers for it but it’s only a 3k capacity with one stand and one covered terrace, the turnstiles are the oldschool style wall back at the roadside, there are no indoor walkways or concourses ,the pie shop is a window outside and you’re only inside for the toilets themselves. Start of somewhere like that and work up the way?
  4. Countries that don’t have furlough ( mostly developing countries that can’t afford it) don’t have lockdowns, to enforce closure of the economy without compensation for those affected would lead to the swift collapse of society . Some have put in other measures like evening and weekend curfews, kept schools closed since march 2020 and so on. In most developing countries it takes far fewer cases of seriously ill people to overwhelm the hospitals and many people have died of pneumonia who would have survived if they were in the first world.
  5. I know ffs, I’m not very keen on so many of the rules but people who argue the toss about them with smart arsed remarks ie oh the virus can’t get you at a wedding or if you’re with 6or less , are missing the point None of the rules will prevent someone catching covid, what they do is mitigate how much it can spread by putting limitations in place Pished people get louder the more drunk they get, spit when they talk, lean into peoples personal space when they’re talking to them and don’t like taking a telling from others You can see why the government are reluctant to allow folk just to go and get steamin right away
  6. Give her the job and she could bottle half the dressing room, and the boardroom too actually she has managed a mens team before for a few seasons, lower level than us but not only 2 levels below. there most likely are better candidates anyway but I hope we're not just writing her off purely because she's a woman
  7. in a mass grave? sure, I could go with that! when did he make the transition from shite tv historian to scotlands gammon in chief? Seriously those who have spent the last 10-15 years turning a day of respect & reflection into a chest beating orange walk esque event deserve some serious shit. it's actually horrible now and they have ironically missed the entire point of it
  8. why have you lumped them in with the others? they're the complete opposite. Fair enough they might not want to let us in but there's no reason why we can't let them in here
  9. I'll add in extra, Who wants to go when you could end up confined to your hotel room for 2 weeks after a positive test who wants to go on holiday where you have to wear masks all the time along with any other restrictions ?
  10. not really tho, there would almost certainly be no international fans allowed . it would just be the same sanitised pish but with neutrals instead of fans
  11. I don’t believe anyone who says that from now on they’re going to cancel everything and stay in the house every time they feel a bit unwell, I’m not talking about covid, I’m talking about all the daft wee bugs that you can have that don’t make you so unwell that you end up in your bed , granted one of them could be a mild dose of covid that you can’t tell apart from a cold but in a world where everyone is vaccinated and we’re at herd immunity , who cares? Who would honestly cancel something important for a wee bit of sniffles?
  12. och away yous and pipe doon, there's no way i'd sacrifice a f**k tonn of overtime, or a days planned leisure activities just because I had a bit of sniffles or a sore throat, theres a reason why no one did before. You have a fortnights holidays abroad booked, a few days before the flight you start to feel cold symptoms which are unpleasant, but are otherwise able to go about your business do you A cancel your entire holiday for the sake of everyone else or B carry on as planned and hope you feel better by the time you've been at your destination a couple a couple days Morton have reached the Scottish cup final and through extraordinary luck are playing raith rovers and are favourites to win, do you stay home because you don't feel great? Behave yourselves
  13. Pandemics don't come round that often, sars & mers were not pandemic as the case numbers never really took off & swine flu was too mild to cause much in the way of concern . if it wasn't for the lengthy inclubation period, covid wouldn't have been the massive event it is. all the conditions have to be right for a pandemic on this scale not just a new virus infecting someone
  14. what's especially delicious is that I have a bike and a car , a band "A"1.6 diese (which will almost certainly have a chip I the EMC) registered before the 2017 cut off which I pay zero VED on , the seeth when you tell the gamons this is fan fucking tastic
  15. The street that I live in is narrow with 19th century Victorian houses , obviously built in the days before cars, there are no driveways and street parking is limited. yet the rage some of the neighbours have when they can't park in "their" space ie right outside their own front door is unbelievable . it's not like they didn't know that when they moved in! fucking walk you lazy c***s haha
  16. c***s like this really do my nut in, and I include my Mrs in that ! she will drive into an otherwise empty car park then try to sandwich the car in a space between 2 LWB transit pick ups just to get a close to the door as possible. once it took her forever to try and squeeze the car in and I just let out a big sigh followed by FFS just walk the extra 10 yards this is ridiculous! she wasn't happy . she's definitely not the only one but I can't understand it. Some people really boak at having to walk the length of themselves
  17. I saw that c**t on facebook haha what an way to carry on ! all youd needs would be some foreigners and a wind turbine and you'd have gammon kryptonite
  18. would be a wee bit simple to say the media wants us stuck at home where we have no choice but to consume their product. they struggle to produce things with SD and mask requirements ,for example, you also have many shows such as comedy and music which rely on a live audience even for studio productions not to mention live sports which have been televised throughout but are not the same product they would be with a full crowd . for there to be a media that makes things there has to be a world out there with stuff happening I think that's why we just get stuck on a loop of covid varients in the news right now, f**k all else is happening, we have George Floyd or Brexit to break things up for a day or 2 then it's back to nothing again
  19. I'm sure I also heard P&B 's favourite dentist saying recently that they hadn't registered a single positive case in anyone who's had both doses plus the 2 weeks settling time. fantastic if true
  20. Was more referring to this scramble to evade quarantine shite. If you announce it it’s got to be effective immediately Shirley?
  21. What the f**k is the point in this announce first implement later farce Thats going on
  22. The smoking ban was the only thing that was in any way controversial pre SNP, (there was the McLeish affair and a c**t set fire to some curtains in a hotel but generally the public wern't much arsed about the goings on) , we were the first in the uk to get it and there was a feeling that since labour had control north and south that we were being used as the guinea pigs.
  23. The SNP are overly criticized for everything they do , including once for not spending all of their allocated money and instead holding some back. they are terrified that any f**k up with covid over and above those made at UK wide level ( ie one where things are markedly worse here than elsewhere) l will be on their head and will f**k up there election
  24. Why ? I'm taking the piss. it's quite obvious that the Scottish government view football fans as a problem group, they probably can't see past the olf firm nuggets to the 98% of trouble free matches that went on up and down the country
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