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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. The story goes that archie knox pushed McCarthy towards Ireland by being a complete bully towards him , of course that would need verified to actualy be true. but it does seem he wasn't given the chance with us. in the other case interviews would make it pretty clear that the mcgeady family brought up their children to consider themselves as irish despite being in Scotland for a few generations and his mind was already made up
  2. had coke once or twice but I didn't really enjoy it & can't understand what others liked about it tbh, I don't feel good when everythings too fast. the one thing I couldn't understand was where all those 18 year olds were getting the money from! i had a decent job at that age and was lucky to have 60 quid to do me the whole weekend when a gram cost around 30 alone
  3. because the issue of race in society is a complex and sensitive issue, you already know this so why are you asking?
  4. During the grangemouth dispute of 2013 she was commenting on just how eerily quiet her hometown was and that she had just never known it to be so quiet, It was anything but, all the high pressure steam was vented off up the chuff instead of being put to use, the noise level was actualy about twice the normal levels and the whole town sounded like being next to a waterfall, she's a fuckin slavering auld cow
  5. Maybe players talk to other players at their club , realise that other nations have some fantastic set ups ran by great coaches with a brilliant atmosphere that agrees with how they want to progress their game, whereas ours perhaps in comparison is utter dugshite with arsehole coaches using dinosaur methods? No evidence of this obviously just supposing. And they go on to choose another country with a slightly heavy heart
  6. Exactly, if you believe that the vaccine is a conspiracy and the government is lieing, then you also believe that what the politician is getting injected with on tv is not the vaccine which the public will get. Conspiracy belief makes anything possible, if they can lie about something you can lie about everything
  7. If instead of getting seriously ill you only get a week or so of unpleasantnes then restrictions must get binned as soon as possible, you cannot justify this pish for sore throat and sniffles
  8. if Orkney & Shetland with their single figures and very limited outside travel ( as opposed to hundreds of roads in the middle of nowhere!) can't get in then nobody is getting it, or not until the national cases have dropped, they won't allow any place , even an island level 0 when there are hotspots elsewhere in the country
  9. people who go mental at those who cheat/ look like they cheat the system in order get disability benefits and not have to work , boohoo who gives a f**k? the money is a drop in the ocean and to me it sounds like an awful way to live your life, pretend your sick so you can get crap money and watch the above mentioned day time TV all day? f**k that , they're welcome to it
  10. Still game has aged awrite but not chewin the fat, I was always howling with laughter watching it, I don't know if it was genuinely hilarious at the time or if it was just because I was 11- 12 years old and my sense of humour has changed as I got older. RAB C was funny at the time but is quite pish now, trying to hard to be OTT jakey / schemie. Gary tank commander was funny but the camp fifer in the army ( instead of a rough as f**k west coaster that is expected) was a bit of a one trick poney Only an excuse was hilarious, but it has long long past it's day . it's just repeating the same old jokes once a year Rikki fultons stone faced dryness is absolutely brilliant and never ages . comfort and joy was on the other week with him and bill Paterson, it's absolutely ancient but it's still brilliant
  11. I thought that too but when you think of the amount of work and planning that must go into them and the cost involved, someone has to make the call , a 30 % chance of cancelation or something like that versus normal years would probably considered too high to bother laying the groundwork.
  12. This is different though, the danger is not and hasn't ever been from the mortality rate, the danger is from how contagious it is and from how it is spread mostly by those with no or very mild symptoms & the long incubation period. If you were to take the last two parts away and it was just a case of only catching it from someone who is visibly unwell coughing and sneezing all over you, then this entire thing would be a complete non issue, those who are eldery or vulnerable already know to avoid such people, and people who have a relative in a care home or with a severe underlying health condition know not to go and get close to them when they themselves are sick. I'm really not a big fan of lockdowns at all but if we did just leave people to make their own decisions a lot of people would inevitable think " ach f**k this I feel absolutely fine , i'm carrying on as normal" and we would likely have a horrific death rate Also perhaps one for the CCOM thread, the rising cases throughout autumn have nothing to do with people "just not following the rules" the rules were not ever meant to stop people catching it, that's impossible, instead they are to mitigate the spread . that way you only infect 6 people instead of 60. only half your office gets it instead of everyone & so on
  13. Genuine question for the rangers fans now that all the dust from 2012 has settled, did you ever think there was a real chance you could spend along time bobbing about down the leagues , like what happened to leeds ?
  14. What about that often trotted line that too many kids now have shite imune systems due to overzealous parents washing and sanitising everything? Weren’t like that when i wer a lad y’know
  15. When it comes to restrictions and how to implement them it’s as tho the Scottish government are constantly refreshing the screen to show how many cases there are each minute and hovering nervously over the big red button Whereas the uk government are constantly checking how much they’ve spent and hovering nervously on the release button, I guess neither is the best way
  16. How long until skint & ruthless companies start outsourcing a large chunk of their office/ admin work to cheap labour countries abroad? personally I found the honeymoon period great , mostly because we don't have to work by the clock like we would if we were there. If home working was optional then I'd imagine that would change and those at home would be expected to structure the day exactly as those in the office, it then goes from being easy to potentially quite challenging depending on your home life
  17. my prediction is 2021 will be a mirror image of 2020 in terms of restriction, starting of heavily restricted then with only the last 2- 3 months back to the old normal
  18. Aye tae f**k with this “ we’ll never go back to being at close contact with people we don’t live with “ pish, it’s a fact of life, we don’t shut down the entire world for other diseases. Life simply must go on,
  19. This! there could be 100 000 cases a day with no maks or SD but if they have nothing more than a cough & cold then who gives a f**k, they won't even need to be off work, the danger with covid was never in it's mortality rate, it is very low, the danger is because it spreads under the radar it will find it's way to the vulnerable and kill them, if it doesn't kill or make them seriously unwell any more then job done, a week of unpleasantness can never justify these huge scale restrictions on life
  20. I'm really quite disappointed there hasn't been any Viagra references yet, I thought we could do better TBH Despite all the red dots my post received I'm definitely not anti vax , I just believe we should treat this one the same as we do for all the other ones. We don't refuse treatment to those who are overweight, smokers , heavy drinkers or drug users, we don't deny employment or recreational opportunities to those in the first 2 groups either. Do we really want to live in a country where the government can say " you must accept this vaccine or else their will be consequences"? I just don't think that's right & if nothing else it will play into the hands of those who think this is a conspiracy ( I'm not one of them)
  21. I’m glad I’m not the only one, i am not anti vax, if i get this vaccines and I’m at the fitbaw and someone sitting next to me has not then they are no danger to me. You have the right to refuse medical treatment for whatever reason you want and there should be no social exclusion for exercising that right. If you want to live like that. Go live in china
  22. I think you and VT are making this a bit more black and white than it is, you don’t have to be a covid denying anti vax moonhowler to have concerns about this, Yes it is true that most vaccines take years to develop because they are simply not a high priority to investors whilst this one is the highest 3 ever. However a lot of governments have botched pretty much every part of their response to this pandemic so what’s to say they haven’t here, heavy heavy pressure can result in some checks and balances being quietly waved when there is so much on the line. This second hand mandatory method just doesn’t sit well with me at all The first generation of vaccines don’t stop you getting the virus, they only reduce the effects of it anyway In that case though it should be enough to lift restrictions as if the vulnerable are only getting the cold instead of pneumonia then there’s no pressure on the health service at all. Intact you shouldn’t even need to self isolateor keep a distance
  23. The media now making a thing about these so called vaccine passports, not just to travel abroad but to use basic services. The government are playing it down so hopefully just air time fillimg. Personally i find the idea of mandatory vaccines by the backdoor a bit unsettling and I’m not anti vax at all.
  24. Page 7 of the covid thread on January 24th, the media and Scientific community were all over the place with what might or might not be true and chinas now obviously pack of lies figures were still somewhat being believed. A handful of P&B poster called it spot on. Should we congratulate ourselves or be rightfully fucking terrified?
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