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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. England should be a certainty to host the next world cup they bid for. I could understand the losing to Germany in 2006 but now thats out the way, They are a small country with a spread of large all seater grounds throughout the country and they are all already built & in use ( this should be a requirement for all bids tbh , nae mare of these white elephants in the middle of bastart naewhaur!)their transport infrastructure is at least useable if not the greatest. it’s probably down to corruption and perhaps a reluctance to give one of the wealthiest and most powerful domestic nations any more than what they have already
  2. Eventually attitudes will change the more people get fed up. Wait until a town or city is put back into lockdown for the 3rd or 4th time with the resulting mass cancellations of all preparations and plans not to mention the business and economic effects. Oh no will be replaced with f**k off before long
  3. The pubs have taken an early lead which is exactly what the schools wanted to avoid at this stage but if they continue to keep it tight as the managers said pre match then I see them getting back into the this before the break, The pubs getting an early booking might see them take a more defensive approach now as they can't afford too many suspensions as the season drags on. hard one to call at the moment, whether or not the pundits view of "you don't spread with kids " line will come back to haunt them remains to be seen.
  4. Ive been one of those drunken arseholes in the park on a sunny day when i was younger, we had a great time but in hindsight we were complete p***ks Seeing families enjoying a picnic or walk pack up and leave after the baw ends up cowping their bbq over and then going over like Sorry mate Sorry SORRY MAN here huv a can mate naw seriously just take it mate . Here take it . Are we sound mate? You get the picture? We felt like we had as much right as them to be there. We could do it in mainland Europe so why not here? Only one group was affecting other people with their behaviour and it wasn’t the picnickers. Free for alla just don’t work we are a nation of arseholes
  5. Perhaps a strict enforcement of the alcohol ban as would be done in a city centre would be enough to put of moderate bams ( ie daft young adults who are otherwise responsible) make them think “ lets not go to loch lomond , theres too many polis and we’ll get done lets go somewhere else instead “ All you need, no gatekeepers and no free for all either
  6. I think thats why they’re shiting it for winter time A because the weather doesn’t permit outdoor gatherings ( football except ) and B because folk will be scunnered with restrictions by then and just widely ignore them which is already happening to an extent
  7. Yes you are spot on and tbh we are all to blame. porn desensitises the mind the more you consume it leading to a greater desire for more graphic content. In the past unless you were part of a niche comunity such as swinger or dogger you only saw such explicit acts as shown in modern porn when you were involved in them yourself. The market only caters for those who demand it yet there isn’t an unending stream of very attractive women willing to perform an increasingly varied amount of sex acts on camera so something has to give. Back in the 90s Fake taxi could easily be a euro trash esque show on channel 4 on a Friday night where page 3 models pretend to be taxi passengers who have forgot their purse to which the driver says “ shouw me your tits laav and al let you orrf wv it “ and it would probably make a fortune as lads tune in. Nowadays no c**t would watch it as it would be shit compared to the endless videos available online
  8. Not true, if cases keep rising by more each day then people will start to panic again and the government will feel pressure into taking harder measures even though their advisers say it isn't necessary and they ( government) don't want to implement them. keeping cases low keeps confidence high. if we were to run like this for say 3 or 4 months ( so long as the cases don't turn into many deaths or icu admissions later in the month) then by that point a dozen or so deaths a month will be acceptable to the public and a lot of things will get quietly dropped, no big announcement next time - if the schools going back doesn't cause a flare up it will be the beginning of the end for social distancing. Big "if" tho. you heard it here first
  9. Rumours say they are borderline illegal with their tactics, obviously all the models are in on it and no one believes the whole taxi story . But they have been accused of hooking in performers promising them a relatively easy scene before using pressure and manipulation to get the girls to perform acts that were not discussed during booking or they’ll cancel the shoot and the burd leaves empty handed by which point it’s they’re not in a position to walk away. One girl also accused them of abuse the night before filming. .. a friend told me
  10. 43 new cases today, down q bit from yesterday. Hopefully the recent higher numbers was the contact tracing hoovering up the recent outbreak
  11. By some accounts they were very well kitted out but lacked the trained staff to man them correctly ( the kind that takes donkeys years of training)which meant they were a bit of a white elephant
  12. Be interesting to see how much compliance and enforcement there is, the 5 mile rule is only a guideline and was widely ignored last time round. Much like the first lockdown people will get scunnered and just say f**k it and do what they like
  13. Thank f**k. Anything to get away from this schools chat
  14. If everyone contact traced and it can settle out whats the need?
  15. Is it something to worry about or does it mean test and trace is working? Hopefully the latter
  16. This thread is shite now. I do like talking pish myself but that c**t gets all offended when people don't listen to his mental ideas, forums like these should be something you do when you've got time to kill or work to skive from . they should not be a competition on who can be the most dominant poster or whatever the f**k his game is
  17. The first few weeks everything was dead save for a few people out walking on nice days , by the end of april there was a combination of folk pushing the boundaries of what was already allowed and people starting to realise that no c**t was bothering to enforce it anyway. My employer gave me a letter to present to the police in the event of getting stopped on the way to work, I was never once stopped and asked where I was going in fact I barely even saw the polis. By may the stay at home order had been widely abandoned . As was discussed on this thread in april , a prolonged period of restrictions would just end up ebing ignored en masse anyway and our police don't have the manpower to stop it
  18. What is all this pish about schools vs pubs? if you're going to be going to school then you shouldn't e in a pub unless I've got my sums very much wrong
  19. If the governments own report can say that there was a " clear sectarian element " and the police say "known football hooligan elements" in the Glasgow statue mob then why does the fuckin media keep up this " rival protest groups " shite ?
  20. Sky and bbc news 24 as it was then was only available on sky and cable, it wasn’t as big as it is now although newspapers had 3 times the sales the do now so swings and roundabouts. Honestly i think social media had alot to do with it, it was a case of china is doing X so we must also do X or we don’t care . If china hadn’t “locked down” neither would we. There might have been localised school closures or changes to hospital procedures but the public would have been urged to take extra caution whilst going about as normal. Mass hysteria has driven much of what we have seen this year
  21. There are some right drama queens on the internet now " you'll only see the old way of life in tv and movies filmed before 2020" Now I don't have a crystal ball but I say that's pish, money always finds a way. people don't want to be restricted they don't want to be socially distant and they don't want to wear face coverings , a lot won't want to permanently work from home after the novelty wears off. People and business want the old way of life back and with enough determination it will happen one way or another. Also I do believe that masks might be somewhat usefull but I think that the mandatory use of them is a phycological tool - not tin foil hat stuff just a way to remind people that covid is still there otherwise it would be quite easy to forget about the virus a lot of the time
  22. Social distancing is fine untill theres two late goals when a team come from behind to win the game last minute. f**k yer social distancing! Surge to the front, give the other end the GIUY jump about together sing a song your 7 pound an hour stewards can’t and won’t stop it
  23. Can we go back to the early days of pretending it was the world cup? f**k it ill start Well done to the USA on a truly stunning performance, it’s a tribute to their truly world class manager to get such a disconnected bunch performing together like that. Back in blighty it looks like boris is losing the dressing room as Englands dissapoint yet again
  24. Without divulging personal details, the people who you know do they know how or where they picked it up? Do they work in medical or care settings or is it likely they picked it up from going about their business in public?
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