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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I know im a few pages late but, WhAt dO POEple MeAN By THIS ? Ive never seen anyone post on social media like that, I don’t have Twitter tho
  2. The independence/ political arguments here need to f**k off theres plenty threads for that
  3. Like i said yesterday alot of people don’t have much understanding or experience of risk management. The people who have been posting the meme I pasted below are themselves falling into the “ elf & safety gawn maad “ category. Literally everything in life can kill you including staying in the house and doing nothing for prolonged periods . Everything from the comon and obvious road traffic accidents to less frequent lightning strikes , industrial accidents, slips and falls, electrical appliances and even trousers. Yes people really do die each year getting dressed. Obviously we simply can’t avoid anything hazardous as everything is hazardous to one extent or another so what we do is take a calculated risk when we do something , usually subconsciously. This disease for most people is not deadly, but it is contagious and without some measures it will find its way to the vulnerable and kill them . The measures we are using at the moment are very knee jerk, like evacuating a burning building. Now that we’re out of the fire we need to move to the next phase as we can’t stand outside in the cold in our pants until the house is rebuilt
  4. From the top part, just for my own confusion where is the agreement and where should there have been more flak ? Turns out quoting is too hard on my phone
  5. Aye i get your point but if you force those viewpoints off the air like they didwith David Icke and co would that not just play right into their hands “ see the government is trying to shut us up so it must be true”
  6. I’m gony say yes to all of those points and actually go a bit further to say I don’t think they ( gov)had any appetite for a ragid spannish style one. The list of reasonable excuses and police numbers in the uk mean that they have little way of enforcing conplience unless you’re A blatantly taking the piss with large gatherings or B doing so in the middle of a large city. There have been some stories of them acting all gestapo but not round my way anyway, barely even seen them let alone been stopped. Also anecdotaly i can say most people in falkirk don’t appear to be taking it seriously at all
  7. To play devil’s advocate for a minute, suppose we had an ultra strict lockdown in early march when there were only a handful of cases then it would have dramatically reduced the overall rates, but would it be realistic to shut everything down for a few dozen cases ? And I included any future disease when i say that . The information from China wasn’t the most reliable. They knew it was highly contagious and attacked the vulnerable much like flu but with no population exposure would spread easily, they also knew it wasn’t exactly pneumonic plague either. It’s easy with hindsight to say they should have .... but hindsight is20/20. Real life is not about pushing the big red button every time something scary happens. Scary things happen all the time unfortunately & you can’t just stop the world ans hide at home every time they do. Those who recommend that for everything from virus to terrorism to crime to bad weather probably don’t have a good understanding of risk assessing management .
  8. All politics aside I highly doubt we are the 2nd worst in the world , although our official figures are abit dubious to say the least places like china and the likes are most likely just a pack of lies. Thats not to say were not making a total arse of it. If it wasn’t for trump and the Brazilian with their outright belligerent attitude then our handling of it would probably be the worst in the world .
  9. Why do you think that? at the moment I can't see it but the phrase money always finds a way springs to mind
  10. I'd be very surprised if air travel ever returns to 2019 levels, a perfect storm of fear, economic woes + airline cost cutting and scaling back means much less travel which in turn means more reduction in serives. Also business will have discovered now that they can do 75 % of their requirements via skype and they will have no need to send staff on expensive jollies abroad. the last 10 years have been a golden age of direct flights from Scottish airports. I can remember having to go to Manchester just to go to fecking Tenerife in late march as recently as 2003 and long haul was only through London. going back to do that will probably put even more people off on top of everything else already mentioned. St abbs it is then
  11. mental how many folk on the internet actual want us to live in a fascist police state where everyone shops each other , fuckin curtain twitching sad acts
  12. I’m not so sure, those who are in the at risk group or have a close relative or friend who os will continue to be hyper vigilant for a time but the rest i thnk will be quite calm about it. Thing to remember is that this virus is only about 6 months old , even without a vaccine treatment will become much better the more health services are used to dealing with it , some will still die but it won’t be so fear inducing after a while. Those in the vulnerable group ( those who are encouraged to get the flu vaccine) still got on planes and went to pubs before all this .
  13. That not about standard for the building trade?
  14. There is no such law that designates what is and isn’t essential work, only what the government have actually forced to close down can’t legally remain open right now. The likes of b&q plus loads of fast food chains closed down voluntarily and thats why they are opening now. Long story short, unless youv been specifically told to close, then if you think your work is essential then it is
  15. Quite a few places mostly in the developing world have put in night time curfews. How have they figured the virus only spreads at night and we haven’t?
  16. That explains alot! Cheers also meant to ask why is there no grace period especially now as things are just getting started and lack of promotion due to licensing makes it all a bit redundant?
  17. Folks, just a friendly observer looking in. Can someone explain some of the nuances around licensing, especially where cups and promotion are concerned. I get that minimum standards of some sort are required. Are they greater than what would be adequate for most teams at that level or about right? Is it about exclusivity at a time when we look to be making things more inclusive? Is it a case of “ we had to do it x number of years ago so you better believe they c***s will be doing it too or we’re no letting them play” mentality ?
  18. I have enjoyed going to football less and less as the football got worse but not totally because of that. I got into supporting football and Falkirk by my mates as my dad isn't really a football fan, over the years the majority of boys from the original crowd who I started going with 20 years ago have now chucked it for various reasons, there are only 2 of us that go regularly and one has family comitments now, I don't as yet have kids of my own . so basically when the game is shite , if theres not the social element of the day out then it can be a thoroughly unenjoyable experience
  19. I believe in Europe they don’t count part time as professionals, unless it’s your main occupation then you’re amateur. Got to sayif you work full time or are a student but train and play during spare time then thats true
  20. The decline was pretty fuckin rapid too, only took a 2 -3 years to get from A-B. Sportsters has a huge capacity that sucks a finite number of punters out of other pubs leaving them sparse, the recession kicked in at the same time as them opening. I would have said thirdly that the boom in university attendance would have left a hole in the number of bevying youngsters in your provincial scottish towns but others have said university towns haven’t been immune l either so feck knows
  21. Hard to really tell now, spain and italy banned exercise and put a full blown curfew in place ( ive barely seen a rozzer here let alone been stopped by one since this started ) yet we didn’t get a much higher surge in deaths than they did with our semi lockdown. I guess we’ll find out in time
  22. The first part is true for the board of those teams but not for the fans, old firm games aren't usualy much fun. The main lack of appetite for big leagues is that once you have 12 or so teams wh can't win the league or get relegated then you have upto 5 months of meaningless fixtures. the nature of the spread of resources in Scotland means that for the majority of seasons you would likely have the top 2 ahead with a large gap infront of 3rd , a couple of minnows cut adrift in the relegation places from late autumn onwards and the rest of the league in purgatory, Europe is 1 or 2 games for the majority of Non OF sides so no real big prize of top 4 or such like in England. a bloated mid table is almost inevitable most of the time. The second part is comparing apples and pears really, you're going back to almost 50 year ago when there were 3 TV channels and no internet, pubs shut in the afternoons and so on. more importantly the only way to see a game of football was to get of your arse and go to a game, TV games don't realy affect crowds at the game that is being broadcast all that much as it's usually a popular game but it takes interest away from other games happening, add to the mix that before TV celtic rangers man utd Liverpool etc their games kicked off at 3 on a Saturday just like everyone else, so if you couldn't get a ticket or it was too far away then tough luck you were either stuck with the wife all day or you went somewhere local. Falkirk have long been slagged off as being closet rangers supporters etc , now when I was growing up (90s) this was still true to some extent but was on the decline, by the end the 2000s it had completely died out, those who went to Falkirk matches because that's the only football they could see are now just not going at all and watching games on tv instead
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