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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Never mind the money for a min. Plenty of teams play in regional leagues and dont go to the wall. Should you be relegated you will have the opertunity to win promotion. I dont see why we have to stick rigidly to the number 42. I dont see why smaller clubs think that regional = death . Many are similar in size support and abilty as the bigger junior teams
  2. Would you stop supporting alloa if they were relegated to a regional division?
  3. Either that or just go for 16 16 16 then regional. It allows you to have decent movement up and down . It still makes the bottom tier semi attractive for non league teams . No current national teams need drop automaticly and its less of a jump than 3 regions to full time tesms. Like ive said theres no perfect fit for scotland. Youre alwsys going to have one b*****d nationsl tier that no one realy wants to be in
  4. Pretty much ive got to say. the only larger league that would realisticly make for a more entertaining season is 16. and clubs dont want A) fewer games and b) less home games against bigger sides so they're unlikely to vote for it. Pretty uninspiring outlook from our privincial clubs TBH. your buisness model is based on you playing larger competetors more often so they fill the away end rather than actualy making your product more appealing to your core support. but thats scottish football isnt it
  5. works for me i suppose, would still prefer leagues of 16 but you know the clubs wont go for a shorter season with less games against big teams
  6. aye , it just leaves one team with no game each week, including the last day of the season. you could just live with that so long as you arrange it so its not the same team sitting out the last day every year
  7. I think its been mentioned on here before. The likes of swansea may not be buying these players to play for them but are simply investing some of their cash. Lets just say they buy 10 players from scotland at an average of 300k each. Plus 2 million between them for wages = 5mil. Givin that 18 year olds whov hardly played can go for 12 million down there, if just one of their 10 spfl players turns out to be decent they could sell him on for 8-10 mill release the rest and there you go. Nice wee return on your investment
  8. Now that sevco have a bit of brwathing room at the top of th3 championship they can get their precious 4 old firm games a year. Buisness as fucking usual
  9. the premiership needs a strong falkirk and clubs cant do without the navy blue pound
  10. youv got 3 league winners plus forfar in the play offs, and brechin automaticly relegated, but no automatic promotion , how does that work? who automaticly replaces brechin? do both the play of finalist go into the championship?
  11. i like how he has groundsharing east stirlinghsire and stenhousemuir in different regions, also 1 auto relegation, but no auto promotion, that division will have no one left in it soon enough anyway, we can go on about this all day, there is no such thing as a perfect fit for scotland, having regional below the championship means that either you have a bottle neck with little to no movement ( the 4 way play offs) or too much relegation making it hard for promoted teams to survive, we've discused a 2 way split below the championship but nobody wants that, whatever you do theres going to be at least one b*****d level to this pyramid. maybe think about having a 3rd level of national, also 16 teams. it still allows movement up and down the levels, the long away trips are only twice a season, it isnt such a huge jump as going from N/E/W to playing full time teams, crowds will probably remain at spfl 2 levels but theres nothing you can do about that, its a better one to have a 3 way split below, like is said, theres always going to be an undesirable division
  12. Pretty much this, obviously scotland has its own challanges and difficulties and its not a simple as in big countries like england or germany, but how fuckin hard can it be? seriously pretty much everyone else has one yet we take years and years just to get play offs for promotion to spfl 2
  13. you cant get rid of that all together no , but 16 should cut down the number of meaningless games most seasons, better than playing 4 times but not as big a mid table as a league of 18 or 20
  14. f**k that fitbaws a competetive sport . Should be trying to be the best we can be. Obviously im not suggesting we get madsivly into debt to chase the dream . Try to get up. Then stay up then build on that. As long as were always looking to improve whilst bringing thru young scottish players i can live with us not winning the premiership
  15. Its no the worst but id rather have automatic relegation from spfl. I know that its far from ideal but a north south split between the championship and the N E W regions could help bridge the gap from regional to national whilst still allowing promotion and relegation . Given that the current spfl 2 clubs will be in it , just under 1/3rd of the 32 clubs will have been playing national football anyway. Its the 3rd tier so the larger regions shouldnt be such an issue
  16. Is that with promotion straight to the championship ? I think that could be a bit of a step do make in one go and since youd need 3 relegation spots id be suprised if many promoted teams managed to stay up at all
  17. OK fair point but first off all you wont normally have rangers and hibs in the championship these last 2 seasons have been a bit fucked up, secondly why would queens livi and Morton see their crowds suffer? Surely they'd be at the top end of the table knocking on the door of the premiership?
  18. Appetite for change has always been minimal or non existant unless alot of money is involved. Make no mistake there would not even be discussion nor a single change to anything had the rangers fiasco not happened. Wed still have spl sfl 1 up 1 down and the finiancial gulf between spl and sfl. Anyway the point about long journeys in to play against minimal support could be argued all day. If you want to have bigger leagues then your going to have stenhousemuir type clubs in the 2nd tier, thats unavoidable becuase we simply dont have enough big clubs to pack out 2 large divisions like england do. Under this set up only the best part time clubs will make it to play in nationwide leagues and the long distance travel will be twice a year rather than 4 times. You will also get games against bigger full time sides and a decent season could see you in the play offs for the premiership. That has to be more attractive than getting promoted to SPFL 2
  19. out of that list, morton, st mir queens livi and dunfermline are full time ,depending on how they are doing airdie and ayr utd could be looking at full time. thats not too bad going
  20. You could phase it in over a few seasons, try say to merge 2 small leagues into bigger ones untill everyone has a suitable home rather than fastracking / preferencial treatment
  21. im not very keen on play offs to decide the champions and euro spots, the league doesnt lie, the winners should be the winners not a team whos scrambled 4th then played a blinder in the play offs, creates interest aye but hardly fair to crown the best team in the land. also it would probably not hurt to send our best teams into europe rather than the jammiest teams, probably why the cup runners up spot was discontinued due to some embarrasing results (my own team included) just keep it simple, avoid convoluted formats. a simple round robin with enough meaningfull league position (winners euro, rel play offs and relegation) should keep enough interest dont americanize it too much. Theres no perfect set up for us, scotland has a unique set of challanges when it comes to regionalising the pyramid, we dont have alot off full time clubs and we realy dont have many big clubs. we dont have alot of money. whatever changes happen need to benefit the game overall, the one with the fewest negative side effects for me is still; 1 - 16 2 - 16 N/S -16 N/E/W -16 N2/E2/W2 -16 whatever you want below that kEEP IT SIMPLE!
  22. Tbh if it doesn't happen soon I doubt it will. Sooner or later rangers will get promoted and it will be business as usual.
  23. Not including sevco , Who brought the biggest away support to east end park in the league since you went down and what was it?
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