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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Here's an interesting stat. Pre-minimum unit pricing for alcohol, drug deaths in Scotland never exceeded 1,000 per year. Since it was introduced, drug deaths in Scotland have never been below 1,000 per year.
  2. I use cruise control but only ever on a motorway and when it's not too busy. When I lived in Wales, it was an 8 hour drive back to Scotland. By the end I was knackered. Then I got a car with cruise control, it took up most of the journey and I noticed a huge difference. I was far less tired. Never tried scan as you shop. I assume you only scan the items you're willing to pay for.
  3. We stayed at a cottage just before Covid. Lovely weather, hot tub outside, cold beer - magic. We went out every day but our evenings were always in the hot tub.
  4. The stars/dots on this site not working properly. Used to be if you have posted on a thread it's a star; if not it's a dot. Now it's a dot in threads i have posted in (including this one).
  5. It was just practice for Musk. Wait until November.
  6. No, it was utter bobbins.
  7. Have you ever visited a Russian hotel with Donald Trump?
  8. As my dear departed dad, an ex-copper, said, if you ended up in court it's because you're guilty.
  9. 20 years married this year. All is as it was before.
  10. You're roaming the halls of the old folks home? Fair enough.
  11. Can we choose fictional teams? Klingon Empire, Rebel Alliance, Hamilton Academical, etc.
  12. My boy swears by German Doner Kebab. There is one near Waverly Station and one near Napier Uni. Every day he is in, he gets one.
  13. I know a lot of Indian guys - this is how they do it. Manages the spice better. Cold drinks give a contrast and make the spice hotter. Hot drinks level things out.
  14. Mmmm ... A pint of Bailey's. That was in The Royle Family, I think.
  15. You got a nice journey and some exercise. Just be happy.
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